Page 8 of No Boundaries

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Her cheeks blushed and she sat back. “God, I’m so embarrassed. Of course, you’re simply being polite.”

Aw shit, she thought I wasn’t interested in her. Fuck.

“I’m not simply being polite. If I was a guest here I’d be trying like hell to get you to go back to my place.”

Her brows shot up.

I closed my eyes and laughed. “I just made myself sound like a complete asshole.” Looking at her and seeing her smile, I added, “I think you’re beautiful and you really do look good in that bikini. I want to get to know you more, and I guess a part of me doesn’t want you sitting all alone on your first night in the Keys. Please, let me take you to dinner?”

Amelia chewed on her lip for a few moments before she said, “Okay. Dinner it is. What time?”


She smiled. “What should I wear? Casual? Beachy?”

I let my eyes take her in once again. She had slipped off the stool so I was able to get a better look at her.



Only because I wanted to see her in heels, I said, “Yes.”

A wide smile erupted over her face. “Where should we meet?”

I was glad to see she hadn’t given me her cottage number. I’d seen too many women toss out their information to strangers, and I never understood why they would tell someone they just met where they were staying.

“Is the lobby okay?”

She nodded. “I’ll see you at seven in the lobby.”

“See you then, Amelia.”

Her cheeks turned pink once again as she placed money into the tip jar and turned to walk away. I watched her as she headed off toward the guest cottages, and for some crazy reason, I held my breath.

When she glanced back at me over her shoulder, I expelled it and smiled.

Pulling out my phone, I hit Luke’s number.

“Hey, Jax.”

“Hey, I’m calling in that favor you owe me.”

Chapter Three

BY THE TIME I HAD gotten back to the cottage, Lori and Parker were dressed and about to head out for their dinner dates.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go?” Parker asked.

“I’m sure.”

Lori walked up and took my hands in hers. I could see her eyes were slightly glassed over, and I couldn’t help but worry she might be on her way to being a bit more tipsy than she should be.

“I’m really sorry about what I said at the bar, about your weight. It was a really shitty thing to do. I’ve already promised Parker I’m not going to drink anymore this evening. Neither of us are.”

I let out a relieved breath. “I have to say I’m glad you’re both not going to drink any more. You need to have your wits about you, especially going out with two guys you just met.”

Lori kissed me on the cheek. “We’ll be fine, Mom.”

Parker laughed. “You really want to stay in and do nothing on our first night here?”

I shrugged. “I’ll go get something to eat; don’t worry about me.”

I wasn’t really sure why I hadn’t wanted to tell Parker and Lori about dinner with Jax. A part of me wanted to keep it to myself because he had made it clear it was more of a friends kind of dinner and not a date. Maybe I didn’t want them to feel sorry for me that the hot bartender didn’t look at me that way. But in a way, I was glad Jax wasn’t simply out to get into my pants. The way his eyes had looked me up and down, I could tell he liked what he saw, but it was nice to meet a gentleman who simply wanted my company, and not only a one-night stand.

With a look that said she was having second thoughts about leaving me, Parker was about to say something, and I knew it was going to be she’d blow off their dinner dates and hang with me. Before she had the chance, I said, “Go. Please. I’m actually looking forward to a simple night. I’m exhausted from all the traveling.”

I took them both by the arm and headed toward the door.

“You’re sure you’re not mad at me?” Lori asked.

“I’m not mad,” I said. Opening the door and gently pushing Lori out, then Parker, I said, “Go have fun, y’all! I’ll be fine!”

Parker narrowed her eyes at me. “You sure seem to want us to leave.”

“I simply want some time alone. Go have dinner and enjoy yourselves. Don’t forget to use protection if you have sex!” I called out as they both turned and shot me a disbelieving look.

Shutting the door, I quickly went to my room to get dressed. I had the perfect dress to wear, and I couldn’t ignore the butterflies in my stomach if I tried.

I stood and stared at myself in the floor-length mirror and smiled. The silk maxi dress was a dream. It had cost me a fortune, but I wanted to have one expensive dress for this trip, and even though I had no idea where Jax was taking me for dinner, I knew I wanted to wear this dress tonight.

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