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“Don’t say shit like that.”

“I promise you, Lee, this isn’t going to be your problem. I have someone on the way to pick him up.” Then put him someplace he can’t hurt anyone else ever again.

“I can’t just release him to random people.”

“They’ll have paperwork. Take it and don’t ask questions. It’s easier that way.” Lee mutters a few choice words.

Bentley Bloomberg had made it all too easy for me to find him. In fact, he came right to me. I found out this morning he was headed my way. There were only a few places for him to go to find Paisley. I cut him off before he could try any of them.

I made sure Paisley was safe and occupied while I tied up this loose end. I didn’t want her to worry. But I really don’t like keeping things from her. Unfortunately, it seems like I keep adding things to the list.

My phone goes off. “Gotta take this,” I tell Lee, not waiting for a response. I know that sound. I have different alerts set for Paisley. They override when my phone is even on silent. It’s not her sensor either. It’s the alert I have on her location. She’s moved outside of town.

I’m already walking out toward my truck as I check my phone. I have to clear past Blu, who is trying to call me. “The fuck?” I glance down Main Street and see my sister's truck still in front of the diner. That’s when the fear hits me. I jump into my truck and take off. I’m about to pull up my sister’s location next to see if they’re still together when Blu calls again.

“What the hell is going on?” I press on the gas. There are only a few possibilities. One is at the forefront of my mind. Paisley only ever talks about one person with any kind of affection when it comes to her past.

Her brother. I know her parents wouldn’t just kidnap her. No, not after the special delivery I sent to them last night. They’ve probably been on the phone with lawyers, making sure their names weren't about to be dragged through the mud. Honestly, that decision will lie in Paisley's hands. Once I get mine back on her.

"The brother."

"He's here." It's not a question. I can feel it.

"Been trying to call you. For a while."

"I've been busy." I should have never taken my eyes off her. My only comfort is that I don’t think her brother would hurt her. He probably thinks he’s saving her somehow.

“What do you need me to do?” Blu asks.

“Nothing,” I tell him before ending the call. This is on me now. It’s time to come clean. I make another call. I know where they are headed. When it comes to landing a plane around here, there are only so many options, and I have no doubt Luka brought his own plane.

It doesn’t take me long to make it to Fort Brígh. I head straight for the runway. It’s not hard to spot which plane belongs to Luka. It stands out among all the others. Not that it matters. I spot Paisley and my sister right away. I see Luka arguing with a couple of men in uniform. They must have received instructions not to allow the plane to take off. Not until I collect what’s mine.

One way or another, Paisley is coming with me. If she wants to leave, she will do so with me. I’ll take her anywhere she wants in the world. What I won’t do is let her go. She’ll have a giant shadow that follows her around.

When they hear me pull up, they all turn. Paisley's eyes widen, my sister smirks, and Luka is just fucking pissed. Good, that makes two of us. Who the fuck does he think he is?

I barely have my truck in park, and I'm getting out. Luka steps forward. “You don’t want to do this. Not with me,” I warn, clearing the distance between Paisley and me.

“She doesn’t want to stay.” Luka stands firm. I don’t care if he’s her brother. I’ll knock him on his ass. I come to a stop in front of all of them. My sister rocks back and forth in her cowboy boots, watching everything unfold.

“Princess, come here.” She takes a step forward but then stops herself. A small part of me relishes the fact that it was her body's natural reaction to come to me.

“She’s not one of your men, Jackson.” My sister rolls her eyes at me. Fuck me. I know that, but I’m on edge. She’s twenty feet from a plane that could take her away from me. All my life, I’ve been good under pressure. Hell, I excel at it. Right now, I have no control. The little bit I do have is keeping me from laying her brother out before I toss her over my shoulder. My mess is big enough. I don’t need more to clean up.

“That’s how you speak to her?” Luka scoffs.

“You can shut the fuck up. You don’t speak to her at all,” I snap back at him. His jaw clenches, but he quickly masks the fact that I landed my verbal blow.

“You lied to me.” Paisley gazes down at the ground. The hurt in her voice is enough to kill a man.

“I didn’t lie to you.” I clear the rest of the space between us. I sink my fingers into her hair, tilting her head back to stare up at me. I need her eyes on me.

“It was a lie. We’re a lie.” Her eyes fill with unshed tears, killing me. I drop my forehead on hers.

“I came here for you, Paisley. Not because of your parents. When I got on the plane, it was because I wanted you for myself. I’m a selfish bastard when it comes to you, princess. I’m not sharing you with anyone.” I brush my mouth against hers. She doesn’t try to pull away. “I love you,” I confess. “And I’m never letting you go.” I press my mouth against hers.

This princess will always be mine.

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