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Paisley's cheeks are flushed, her lips puffy from our kisses, her eyes heavy-lidded. Seeing her like this causes a whole new sense of mayhem inside of me. “So you’re really not mad at me?” A smile spreads across her face. One that I hope I get to see every day for the rest of my life.

I don’t think I could ever be mad at her, but I have a feeling that isn’t going to be mutual.



“Promise you. I’m not mad at you,” Jackson reassures me. I stare into his eyes, knowing he’s telling me the truth. I can’t see him being a liar.

My body is still humming with pleasure. That was the last thing I thought was going to happen when I tracked him down. My mouth still tingles from his kisses, along with other places.

After Tigger and I ate dinner, I snuck off to bed with my tail between my legs. I hated that Jackson was mad at me. That his whole mood had flipped. I was getting the side of him that June told me about in passing when she often talked about her brother. How he could turn off his emotions and be distant. It’s why she said she likes to give him a hard time when he does come around. To remind him not to always be that way.

I remember thinking that Jackson kind of sounded a bit like my own brother in a few ways. They both have a coldness to them and the ability to keep people at arm's length. Unfortunately, I think everyone in my family has that trait—except for maybe me. But I think that’s because getting close to my family wasn’t an option, and boarding school didn’t give many either. We all knew when school was over, we would be sent back home to our families to follow whatever path they chose for us.

My last name also didn’t help my situation. Being the wealthiest in a school filled with rich people brews a weird resentment of sorts. I never understood it. I didn’t get to choose that life, but I do get to choose this one.

Jackson leans in and brushes his mouth against mine again. “You believe me?”

“Yes, I don’t think you’d lie.” I swear I feel his body tense, but he steps away from the wall, keeping me in his hold.

“Let’s get you inside. It’s too cold out here for what you’re wearing.” Jackson carries me out, hitting a button to make the doors slide close before heading back into the main house.

“I can walk,” I tell him.

“I’m aware.” He doesn’t put me down until he sits me on the side of the bed. “Are you cold?” Jackson steps between my legs, running his hands up and down my arms.

“No, I’m not cold.” I let out a small laugh. I’m far from it. My entire body feels alive. More than I’ve ever felt in my life.

“Careful, princess, or you’ll be flat on the bed.” I trail my fingers down his chest. I don’t stop when I get to his gym shorts, letting my fingers brush against his hard cock. It jumps under my touch.

When I peek up at him through my lashes, Jackson's face is like stone, his jaw clenched. I notice he also has his hands fisted at his sides. Then it hits me: He hadn’t gotten off. Had he? I was so wrapped up in my own pleasure that I hadn’t even thought about it.

Jackson is a grown man, and here I am humping him. Acting like we are two teenagers in the back of a car at prom. At least I think that’s what teens do. I didn’t get to go to prom, so I wouldn’t know. The school I went to was education-focused, which meant that we didn’t do anything fun.

“Would that be a bad thing?” I lean back on the bed. I don’t know what’s come over me. That’s a lie. He’s what’s come over me.

Jackson’s eyes trail over every inch of me, landing between my spread thighs. They’re extra wide to make room for him. Disappointment fills me when he takes a step back.

“I need a shower.” He turns before I can respond, heading into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. I hear the lock click into place before the shower turns on. I want to laugh at him locking the door. Big badass Navy Seal Jackson can’t be scared of me.

I fall back on the bed. Did I come on too strong? What the hell am I doing? I can’t read this man to save my life. Is this what people mean when they say dating is hard? Is this even dating? I am so unprepared for this. I really have no clue what I’m doing. Especially when it comes to a man.

The sound of my phone vibrating has me jumping up. There are only two people that could be calling me: Cole or June. To no surprise, it’s June.

“Hey,” I say, answering the phone.

“What went down at the bar tonight?! Everyone is talking about my brother beating someone’s ass.” News really does travel fast in this town. “I tried calling my brother and nothing! Hello.”

“Some guy followed me into the bathroom. Your brother handled it.”

“Whoa.” June goes quiet for a second. “People say they’ve never seen my brother so pissed. That he lost it.”

“He was pretty mad,” I admit.

“Obviously. My brother doesn’t lose it. He’s the most in-control person I’ve ever known in my life.” I know I shouldn’t smile, but I can’t help myself. I like that he reacted that way over me. That he wanted to protect me.

“I’m glad he was there.”

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