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“Paisley.” Cole saying my name breaks me out of the spell. I hadn’t noticed him coming into the bathroom. He is trying to pull Jackson off the man. “A little help before he kills the asshole.”

What does he think I’m going to do? He’s pulling on Jackson, and it’s not doing anything. Blue shirt is also trying to yank Jackson’s hand away from his throat until his whole body goes limp. Oh God, he is going to kill him.

“Jackson.” I place my hand on his forearm, wrapping my fingers around it. His eyes drop to my hand. “You’re scaring me.” Those words do the trick in getting his attention. He turns his head toward me. I let out a small gasp when I see how dark his eyes are.

June has told me how her brother can set aside his emotions and turn into somewhat of a machine. I hadn’t witnessed it until this moment. All I’ve gotten is the sweet side of him, but I can see exactly what June was talking about. Is it bad that this side of him sends a small pang of excitement coursing through me instead of fear? There is not one single part of me that is scared of Jackson. But I am afraid of what could happen if he did kill this guy.

Jackson releases his hold on him. He crumbles to the floor and starts coughing. “He fucking peed himself.” Cole lets out an irritated sigh. “Both of you get out of here. I’ll get this cleaned up.”

I start to speak, but Cole cuts me off. “This isn’t a debate.” His normal playful tone is gone, and I know not to fight him on this one. He steps back so I can leave the bathroom to grab my things. Jackson is right behind me.

He doesn’t say a word as we make our way out to his truck. Not even when he opens the door for me.

“I’m sorry about that,” I finally mutter to try and break the long silence.

It wasn’t like him or at least what I know of him. All day today, we bounced little stories about each other or things we’re into. He went on about how Cottonwood Creek is a good place to settle into and build a life.

Now he’s not saying anything. I hate it. Even when he led me out of the bar and into the truck, he hadn’t touched me. Whenever I’ve been close to him, it seemed like we both kept finding reasons to touch one another. Now it seems like there is an invisible wall between us.

“Nothing to be sorry for.” If that were true, then why the hell is he acting differently toward me?

I’m not sure how to respond to that, so I don’t. Instead I keep myself busy by fidgeting with my phone until we get back to his place.

“You should change, and I’ll make dinner,” he says, opening the front door.

“Not hungry,” I mumble before going to scoop Tigger up into my arms. Two can play at this silence thing.

“Too bad. You’re eating,” he orders, heading down the hallway, leaving me alone. I bury my face in Tigger’s fur, a mixture of anger and silence taking hold.



I run my hand down my face, pissed off at myself. My fucking emails aren’t helping with my temper either. The Woods are pressing hard for any information on their daughter. Threatening to hire someone else to find her.

They can fuck off. They’ll be lucky if I ever let them see her again. I could erase her from their lives and give her a whole new one. I slam my laptop shut.

I got Paisley’s dinner done before she made it back to the kitchen. I left it on the counter and made myself scarce, trying to get my temper under control. Time isn’t working to cool me down. I need something else.

There’s no way my little princess is going to help me burn off my aggression. I shook her up as much as that fuckhead did. I swear I want to track him down and finish what I started. It’s taken all of my self-control not to.

I knew that wouldn’t be a good idea, but I did tell Blu to check into him. There is no way this was his first time going after a woman, but I’ll damn well make sure that it will be his last. Blu can handle it for me.

I’m thankful when I exit my office that Paisley is nowhere in sight. I don’t want to face her right now. I’m being a fucking coward. But when she told me I was scaring her, it was like I stepped on a landmine. Then, the second my eyes met hers, wide with fear, the mine went off. Something switched inside of me at that moment. It’s a look I never wanted to see again.

I look to make sure she ate her food before I check her sugar readings on my phone. Then I head outside to the casita behind the house. I have a whole workout area out here. I push open the bay doors to let some fresh air in before changing my clothes. Once finished, I jump onto the treadmill to burn off some of what happened tonight.

After three miles, I know this isn’t going to do shit to help me, so I go to the bag next. I don’t bother to wrap my hands. It’s stupid, but the burn of the bag on my knuckles might help.

A sound catches my attention. I spin around to see Paisley standing in the open doorway. Her puffy eyes are red, letting me know she’s been crying.

“Paisley?” I walk toward her. “You okay?” It’s a dumbass question.

Of course, she isn’t okay. Some fuckwit tried to assault her tonight. Then I went and almost killed him in front of her. Paisley is so sweet and soft. I’m sure my actions were a shock to her system. Her parents might be shit, but they’ve managed to keep some of the darkness from the world away from her. I hate that I had to show her that side of me, but I wouldn’t take it back. I will always do what needs to be done to protect her at all costs.

“Just checking on you.” She shrugs, dropping her head when I get close. I don’t want her hiding her face from me.

“Look at me,” I order and inwardly curse myself. She’s not one of my men that I can bark orders at when shit goes sideways.

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