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“Nothing. I just never heard it before. Except the vehicle.” I glance at June. “There’s a vehicle called that, right?”

A hand comes down on Bronco’s shoulder, and he cringes. “Remove your hands.” Jackson towers over the man. He drops his hands from my waist.

“I had it handled,” June huffs.

“Not quick enough.”

“Hey, Jack. Didn’t know you were in town.” He gives Jackson a smile, but it doesn’t meet his eyes. Jackson doesn’t say a word, his intense gaze never wavering. “Shit, I didn’t know she was yours.” Bronco holds his hands up in a gesture of defeat.

“I’m not—” My words get cut off when Jackson throws his intense gaze my way.

“Move along.” He lets go of Bronco’s shoulder. The man doesn’t have to be asked twice. He hightails it out of there.

“You’re scaring off all the men. Go back to the bar,” June orders her brother. He ignores her.

“You all right, princess?” Jackson’s firm tone drops as he speaks to me. I nod my head. “Need words.”

“I’m all right.” Why does my voice sound all breathy?

Jackson nods, glancing around. “You wanna keep dancing?”

“Ignore him.” June grabs my hand, leading me back toward the bar. “He’s a cock block.”

“You’re looking for—” I giggle.

“Nah.” She shrugs, giving me a coy smirk. “But you are.”

“Am not.” My eyes flick toward Jackson. He’s still on the dance floor, having been stopped by a few girls I’ve seen around before. They’re fawning all over him. All of them are wearing cowboy boots and cut-off jean shorts that show off their long legs. I’m not sure if it’s because I’m tipsy or what, but a pang of jealousy flits through me, confusing me. It makes no damn sense since I don’t even know the man.

“Here.” June hands me a shot. I’m not sure I should take it. I already have a little buzz. Before moving to Cottonwood, I’d never had more than a few glasses of champagne. I can picture my mother’s nose turning up at seeing me take a shot. She would be appalled by it. Then she’d die when someone told her it was called a blow job.

“Cheers.” I clink the shot to June’s, taking it to spite my parents. At least this tastes good. I don’t know how others take pure alcohol shots.

Cole shouts over the bar music that it’s last call. Everyone starts closing out their tabs. I hop up onto one of the bar stools, not in a rush to get back to my room. Tigger isn’t always the most social. It’s nice to be out with someone I enjoy. I’ve never had a friend like June before.

I peek over at Jackson again. He’s made it halfway back to the bar, but once again he’s stopped by a woman. I can’t say I blame them. Jackson is the hottest man in this place.

“You worried that Jackson’s gonna steal all the ladies, Cole?” June asks.

“If he finally picked one of the local girls, maybe he’d come back home.”

“I think there are more than a few he could choose from,” I say before I can catch myself. I’ll have to remind my future self that alcohol tends to give me loose lips. And we all know what they say about those.

“You have no freaking idea. If a girl in this town locked down Cole or Jackson, it would be better than winning prom queen for them.” June hands me another shot. My eyes again linger on Jackson as I take it. He turns his head, his eyes locking with mine.

I lick my lips, cleaning up any of the remnants left on them. Jackson says something to the woman in front of him before stepping around her and heading right toward June and me. Quickly, I turn around, not wanting him to think I keep watching him. It’s out of my control. My eyes have a mind of their own and keep wandering over to him.

“Do you need to close up anything?” I let out a small gasp. Jackson is right behind me. I can feel his body against mine. His mouth is so close to my ear. I turn my head. His mouth is a whisper away from mine. I lick my lips again. His eyes drop to them. “Princess, you got anything you need to wrap up before I walk you home?” I swear my mind goes blank for a minute. I don’t think I’ve ever been this close to a man, and I most definitely have never been this attracted to one.

“Walk me home?” I reiterate, trying to get myself together.

“Yeah, walk you home.”

“Why would you do that?”

“No one walks you home after work?” Goosebumps break out across my arms at the gruffness in his words.

“It’s not far, and the parking lots are lit up.” He doesn’t look too happy about my response.

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