Page 35 of Lynch's Match

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My eyes scan over him, taking all of him in. Something inside me eases at the sight of all that’s Lynch. It’s been one hellish day. Between my aunt showing up at the office, our house burning, and the clubhouse being hit, I didn’t think something like this could happen, but it has indeed happened. All in less than a twenty-four-hour span.

And from the look of Lynch, it’s not over with. Not by a long shot.

“You okay?” I ask him when he’s close.

He steps even closer, hands planted on either side of my hips, drawing me flush against him. “I’m good, Cams, but the club is heading out for a while, and I’ma need you to stick close to the other women until we get back. Can you do that for me?”

I bite my lower lip and nod. There’s no way I can tell him right now that Ela told me I was pregnant. “I’ll stay close to them.”

“Thanks, baby.” Lynch dips his head to rest against my own. “I hate to have to leave you. I could’ve lost you earlier, and the thought?—”

“But you didn’t,” I interrupt, not giving him a chance to finish that statement because the thought went both ways. He lost three of his brothers as it is.

“Yeah.” His calm voice doesn’t match the tormented look in his eyes. What happened is really bothering him in ways I couldn’t imagine.

“Just make sure you come back to me,” I tell him, clearing my throat to shield the emotions tumbling over and over in my head.

“That’s the plan, Cams. Don’t plan on letting anyone stop me from coming back to you,” he says and brushes his lips against mine ever so gently. It’s a beautiful kiss, one I’ve never experienced before, not even the first time he kissed me so many years ago.

“Good.” It’s no more than a whoosh of breath, but Lynch hears me and treats me to one of his amazing smirks.

“Be back, baby.” He gives me a squeeze, kisses me one last time, and lets me go.

I suck in a breath and do my hardest to not call him back to me. To beg him to stay. I couldn’t do that to him. He needs to do this with his brothers. It’s his right, and I know it. Whatever they’re about to do, he needs to be a part of it.

All I can do is brace and prepare.

Prepare for the chances of them needing me to defend them in the only way I can, in a courtroom. I also hope this is something that won’t come to pass. I’ll do it, not because they’re clients but because Lynch is my man. My husband. My match. The other half of my soul.



Leaving Camilla to handle business isn’t easy, but it’s something that has to be done. It can’t wait. Raven and Victoria are going to stay back and watch over the women and children.

Chains was able to talk Victoria down from coming with us. But there was no talking my sister out of coming. She and Ranger were coming with us to have our backs, along with Tracker and Blaze.

“You know Ryder is going to be pissed with all this shit happening, and he out on that cruise with Brielle and the kids,” Breaker snorts, trying to lighten the mood.

“Oh, he’s gonna be fuckin’ pissed,” Brake remarks, looking grim.

“With him gone out on that cruise, we know they’re safe,” Chains grunts. “Now, let’s get going. Get this shit taken care of so we can get back to our families.”

I couldn’t agree more.

We all load up in one of the vehicles after moving our brothers out and laying them down in a place to rest for the time being. Once this is all done, we’ll give them the funerals they deserve. Until then, their bodies are somewhere safe.

On the ride there, I block out everything but the plan itself. It’s not easy. I want nothing more than to be back with Camilla, to hold her in my arms and not let her go. She means everything to me, and I want to tell her that. Tell her I love her, but not before I get this taken care of.

Only after will we be free and easy. Nothing else can stand in the way of us finally settling down without having to look over our shoulders.

Taking out Pennington will send a message to everyone that we’re not to be fucked with without blowback. Our club has been fucked with one time too many, and it stops now.

By the time we reach Pennington’s estate, I’m ready for him. Ready to take him on. To feel his blood slicking my hands. To end the Pennington line.

“Ready?” Tyres asks, looking back at me from the passenger seat.

“Yeah, I’m ready.” I grunt, locking gazes and making sure he sees the truth.

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