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I looked over my shoulder and he nodded. “Just make sure you close out of all the programs. How far did you get today?”

Looking back at my screen, I ran through the list of names. There was a pretty bad backlog of invoicing and I was starting to make some progress. “I got clients' last name A through D invoiced.”

Sheamus nodded with a smile. “That sounds good.”

Making sure my computer was locked up good and tight, I grabbed my tumbler with the lukewarm coffee. “Hey, a few of us are going out tonight.”


“Yeah, you’re welcome to come. You’re the new girl, and I think you could use a drink or two.”

Friends, I thought.

“I’d love that. Text me the address and time.”

I was already speeding out of the door when I saw Mark tapping his watch. Rolling my eyes, I got into my vehicle and sped away from the equestrian center. By the time I got into the carpool line, Sheamus had sent me the address.

His text had includedthe sad face emoji. Come out, please!

The line seemed to be wrapped around the school as all the parents waited to pick their kids up. A white Chevy Tahoe ran a red light and swerved ahead of me to get in front of me and a few other cars causing me to slam on brakes. The license plate read Mura4.

Damn, you’re gonna get your kid jackass, I rolled my eyes.

I definitely could have used a drink right about now. What are you wearing? What should I wear?

Sheamus texted back. Oh babe, with that cute little body, you could wear whatever you want. But it’s a laid-back atmosphere. Question though?

He had me frowning because while I found Sheamus attractive, I didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. Hell, I’d just had sex twice. I wasn’t looking to juggle any more men.

Cause you got a husband, girl…

I sent Sheamus back a question mark, a little worried. By the time I got into one of the pickup lanes, he’d started typing up a reply. So, I wanted to know if your guard person was going to be there.

A frown instantly planted itself on my face. Who, Mark?

The reply came back even quicker. Yes.

Throwing the car into the park behind the stupid Tahoe that had cut me off, I rolled my eyes again. They’d done all that aggressive ass driving just to wind up exactly where I was. Probably, my husband is paranoid. But I’ll have a talk with him, make sure he stays outside.

Sheamus's text bubbles started to fall and rise before he spit out another text. No, I’d very much like it if he came inside.

My eyes nearly bugged out of my head. Then I started to think about things. Sheamus was attractive and in the months that I’d been dropping the girls off for lessons, I’d never heard him mention anyone. Not even casually to say anything about a girlfriend or ex-wife.

It is Atlanta, I giggled.

I’m not sure if he’s into men, but he’s for sure going to be present, I typed back.

Yassss, Sheamus sent back with a winking emoji. He’s so damn cute, honey. I just want to watch him drink water.

I began to laugh my ass off, thumping my steering wheel in the process. Finally, I relaxed at my realization that Sheamus was in no way attracted to me and texted back agreeing to meet him and some of the other workers at the bar.

As the car rider line finally got me to the very front, I spotted Maggie and Luna talking separately to their respective friends. I observed Luna tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she giggled with some young boy.

They both waved by and got inside of the car.

“How was school?” I asked.

“What a long year,” Maggie remarked as she put her seat belt on.

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