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Halo’s mouth was perfectly pouty, with a perfect cupid bow. A small amount of sheen from the Cherry Chapstick she used to coat them gleamed under the store lights.

I chuckled softly, enjoying the view and gesturing to all the stuff surrounding us. “I’m sure but don’t worry about her. Worry about finding the most expensive shit you can find.”

“Again, are you sure?”

Stepping in slightly closer, so close I could inhale her strawberry shampoo, I grinned. “Let me worry about the price tags in here. And Halo, I’m always sure.”

We were interrupted by Paylynn coming back with the champagne. “Mr. and Mrs. Tanaka, my boss just texted me and informed me that you’re celebrating your six-month anniversary.”

Never taking my gaze off my wife, I replied. “We are.”

Halo glanced up at me, her eyes shining. “Can’t believe it’s already been six months.”

I bit my lip because I couldn’t believe it either. “I want you to have the best of everything, Halo. No matter the cost…”

My wife blushed under my gaze Paylynn handed each of us a glass of Diamond Scarpetta’s finest bubbly then she showed us to the dressing room area. Halo and I sat down for just a moment while Paylynn began to pull items from the racks.

“This is really strange,” Halo sighed softly the champagne flute to her lips.

“What is?”

She shyly glanced over at me. “We…we haven’t talked very much since the wedding. Honestly, I didn’t think…I thought you kind of hated me.”

A deep breath came out from between my lips and then I drank deeply from my glass of champagne. The bubbles tingled all the way down my throat. “I don’t hate you, Halo…with everything going on…I’m just not an emotionally available person.”

Halo nodded understandingly. “Well, I know that your nieces will be happy to see you, as am I.”

Paylnn returned with an armful of designer dresses in a rainbow of many colors. Halo put her champagne aside and I knew she was still worried about the cost. It would do no good to tell her that I was one of the richest men in the world from both my father’s legal and illegal business dealings.


I simply wanted her to enjoy herself while trying on the clothes for me. With each item, her smile deepened and thawed out my cold heart.

It was as if I were seeking some desperate approval, and I had no idea why.


Ashton’s choice of restaurant for our six-month anniversary was luxurious and French-inspired. Delicate chandeliers decorated the ceiling and the chairs we’d been seated in were plush red velvet.

The menu had even named several cheese blends that had my mouth watering in anticipation. Of course, he’d ordered the most expensive bottle of champagne on the menu.

My nerves had been trying to bubble to the surface because I’d only been on a few dates. None of them had ever gone anywhere.

I’d watched as he scanned the menu, his long dark lashes nearly brushing his cheeks as he read trying to find something he’d like.

After a few moments of silence filling the place, someone got up on the stage in the corner and sat down at the piano. I watched as they stretched their finger and proceeded to play.

“Okay, this is officially the fanciest place I’ve ever been,” I whispered to him over my menu. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

He chuckled as the waiter came back to take our orders. I’d settled on the chicken confit, confident that I’d said the words just right. The menu had given me a little bit of anxiety. I’d taken one year of French in high school to fulfill my requirement to graduate and hadn’t used it since.

For the next few minutes, we made small talk about nothing until I mentioned the girls. “Do you plan to be here for the summer?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Why? Eager to get rid of me?”

I shook my head slowly, a wild curl bouncing into view. My hair refused to be tamed. “I…the girls and their horseback riding. I believe there will be a few mini-competitions. Maggie seemed eager…Luna not so much.”

He tapped his chin thoughtfully. “It’s possible.”

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