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“Yes, I know.”

“You know our six-month anniversary is coming,” his voice turned soft.

“Oh, is it?”

Who was I kidding?

I’d been secretly counting. When I’d married Ashton, the contract had been for two years. The first six months had been incredibly easy for the most part. He avoided me every chance he had and I was fine with that.

He’d only needed me to help to stabilize his living situation for his nieces. The social worker had side-eyed us heavily the first three months but I’d found out a few things in talking to her.

She had a few vices.

Good coffee.

And good food.

I could make both and whenever she threatened a visit, I made sure to have a home-cooked meal waiting for her.

He gave a slight laugh. “I know, it’s gone by so fast. But I wanted to do something nice.”

I nearly choked but recovered.

“Halo, are you okay?”

My hand covered my mouth momentarily. “Yes, sorry. What would you like to do?”

“Would dinner and a show do?” He asked a hint of hopefulness in his voice.

“Careful, that would sound like something romantic…”

He chuckled probably remembering our first meeting. He’d slipped the current diamond ring occupying my finger for the first time.

I’m not romantic, the words floated around before disappearing.

“Not as romantic as you might like, but a nice gesture for sure. You’ve been good with the girls from what Luna has told me.”

“I’ve tried. She’s not easily cracked. But dinner does sound nice.”

“Use the credit card, Halo. To buy something other than groceries.”

Damn, he knows about that…


“No buts, buy yourself something nice. You have the card for a reason. I’m going to send you the name of someone in the area. An old friend of mine, her name’s Ivy Scarpetta….she goes by Diamond. She owns a boutique.”

I bit at my lip. “It sounds expensive.”

Ashton sounded as if he were smiling, but the man didn’t smile. “It is, but I don’t care. Buy the place out. I have to go but I’ll see you tomorrow night.”

“Okay, good-”

He had already ended the call, the car growing silent as I pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store. Humming to myself I fiddled with the middle console to find something to put on my lips.

Pulling out a tube of worn-down Chapstick, I pulled down the visor and something floated into my lap. Startled, I thought it was a spider but realized it was just a piece of paper. I hadn’t remembered anything being there.

Unfolding it, I read the words and a chill worked its way over my entire body. Frantically, I looked around, seeing no one.

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