Page 81 of Restraint

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“Wait a second while I get to where I can hear you.” It was too loud in the arena, so she made her way out of the box to the corridor, where it was quieter. “That’s better. Is everything okay?”

Her mom was speaking in a hushed tone. “I’m upstairs because your dad didn’t want me to call you.”

Erika didn’t like Mom’s anxious tone. “What’s wrong?”

“He forgot tomorrow was trash day, so during the last break in the game, he went to drag the garbage can to the street. It was icy and he slipped, fell off the curb, and twisted his ankle.”

“Is he alright? Did he break anything?” Erika knew her father, the most stoic man on the planet, would act fine even if he wasn’t.

“It’s very swollen. I told him we should go to the ER, but the truth is I’m not sure he can get to the car on his own, and I’m not strong enough to help.” Mom was a petite five-two to her dad’s hulking six-foot frame.

Erika didn’t even bother suggesting Mom call an ambulance because she knew hell would freeze over before her dad admitted to needing one. “I’ll come over and try to convince him to go to the hospital. If it’s a fracture, he’ll need X-rays.”

“That’s what I told him, but he swears he’s fine with just icing it in his recliner. He didn’t want me to call because you’re at the game, but I’m worried.”

“I’m going to leave now. The game is still going, so I shouldn’t have to fight too much traffic. Hopefully, I’ll be there in twenty, twenty-five minutes. Make sure he doesn’t try to walk on that ankle.”

“I will. Thank you, Erika.” Mom hung up, and Erika returned to the box to grab her coat and purse.

“I have to go. Emergency with my dad. He took a tumble,” she said to the two couples.

“Is he okay?” Alex asked.

“Swollen ankle, but he’s being a stubborn old coot, so I’m making a house call,” she said, a weak attempt at a joke to mask the fact she was concerned. “If everything is okay, I’ll meet you at the pub later. If he needs to go to the hospital, I’m afraid I’ll miss the after-party.” Erika spared a quick glance at the scoreboard. “The Rays scored?”

“Blake fired one in about ten seconds after you stepped out,” Elio said.

She grimaced. “Figures. Can you tell Blake I’m sorry to bail? I’ll text him too.”

Charley reached out and gave her a hug. “We’ll tell him. Go take care of your dad. Hope to see you soon, Erika.”

“Same,” Erika replied, hugging Alex, Gianna, and Elio before heading out. From the roar that greeted her the second she hit the stairs, she could tell the Rays had scored again. And she’d missed it…again.

Once she made it to the concourse level, she headed toward the exit.

“You’re leaving?”

Erika turned around, surprised to discover it was Mindy, emerging from a lower level, headed toward the bathroom.

“Yeah. Family emergency.”

“Oh. So I guess you’re going to miss the after-party.”

“Probably.” She was annoyed that Mindy wasn’t even trying to hide her delight over Erika’s departure.

“The celebration at the pub is going to be off the hook,” Mindy continued. “The Rays pulled out a major upset, and the way Blake scored those last two goals…magic.”

Shit, Erika thought. She’d missed seeing him score both those goals.

“I really do need to run.” Erika tried to ignore the unwanted jealousy she felt. Blake appeared to have lost interest in Mindy, but unfortunately, Erika was still insecure enough about her own place in his life that she was worried.

She tried to shake those feelings off as she headed to the parking garage. On the way, she typed out a quick text.

Dad fell and twisted his ankle. Had to leave early. Congratulations on the game. It was a brilliant win.

She’d search for highlights on her phone to watch Blake’s goals.

Sorry I can’t celebrate with you. Enjoy your night with the gang, and thanks again for the tickets. Felt very bougie sitting in that box.

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