Page 65 of Restraint

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“So…at the risk of losing the next eight hours…do I want to know your sexual partners number?” Erika asked, reminding him that this conversation was about past relationships, which felt very New Relationship 101 to him. Of course, Blake had never cared about any of the other women he’d slept with enough to ask about their dating history.

He tilted his head as if he didn’t hear her question. “What?”

She repeated it, and he frowned.

“I can’t hear you.”

Erika asked again, while he pretended to clean out his ear.

“You really need to stop mumbling,” he joked.

She laughed. “Fine. I’ve clearly gotten my answer, and you’re right. I probably don’t want to know.”

“None of those women matter, Erik. The only one who matters is sitting in front of me. Here and now.”

“Here and now,” she repeated.

“I didn’t like waking up alone this morning.” He moved closer.

“So you said.” Erika split the distance between them, her thigh pressed tightly against his.

“I notice you’re not running for the hills.” His face was close enough to hers that he could feel the heat from her breath.

“You’re right,” she said, moving so close that his cock went from half-mast to rock-hard in record time. “I’m not.”

“Are you thinking about it?”

She shook her head. “Not even a little bit.”

“Erik.” His lips touched hers as he spoke.


“Bedroom. Now.”

Erika never missed a beat, rising and then—God help him—reaching out to take his hand.

A wiser man might have kept the conversation going between them. Might have spelled things out rather than jumping straight into bed.

Sadly, Blake didn’t have enough blood in his brain to play the part of the wise man. And he wasn’t convinced it was necessary. Erika was the one who always needed to talk things out, to lay all the cards on the table, while he tended to lead with his instincts, going with the flow. He was impulse to her structure, spontaneous to her organization. Together, they were both sides of the coin, the yin and the yang, the peanut butter and the jelly.

He’d waited for this moment for three long years, and now that it was here, he wasn’t about to delay a second more. If Erika didn’t need to discuss it, then he sure as shit didn’t.

He turned her once they were in the bedroom and before she could process his intention, he had her shirt off and on the floor by their feet. Within seconds, her bra was with it.

Blake’s gaze traveled down as he fought to catch his breath, kicking himself for letting so much time pass without claiming this woman as his.

If anyone had asked him a month ago about his life, he would have described it as perfect. Wonderful family, dream job, great teammates, and the best friend anyone could ever ask for living across the hall.

He’d literally been the biggest dumbass on the planet.

“Blake,” she whispered, looking at him through those long, thick lashes. “I want you.”

He closed his eyes and thanked every deity ever worshipped.

“I want you too.”

Then he lowered his head, pressed his lips to hers, and showed her just how damn much.

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