Page 50 of Restraint

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He shook the jug, Corky’s favorite sound, and Erika heard it. A whimper.

They squatted down, Blake pushing some of the limbs aside, allowing them to see Corky cowering behind the bush.

“There you are, pretty girl.” Blake opened the jug and shook several of the bite-sized treats into his large palm. “You don’t like the rain any more than your mommy, do you?”

Whatever fear Corky might have been experiencing, it vanished when presented with a handful of treats. She crawled out from her hiding spot, happily jumping up, her paws leaving muddy prints on Blake’s jacket.

He scooped the puppy into his arms, tucking her securely under his coat, then wrapped his arm around Erika’s shoulders.

“Jesus, Erik, you’re drenched and shivering. Let’s get you inside where it’s warm.”

She hadn’t noticed how badly she was shaking, and while she was chilly, it was fear causing her to tremble so violently, not the cold.

They quickly made their way back to the building, taking the elevator to their floor. Even though she was out of the rain, Erika’s shaking worsened and her teeth started chattering.

Blake watched her, concern in his eyes.

Grabbing her hand, he tugged her toward his apartment, the three of them leaving puddles as they walked straight through the living room and down the hall to Blake’s bedroom. She paused in the doorway, but he propelled her forward with a firm hand on her lower back. “Bathroom.”

She was too numb and tired to resist when he guided her into his en suite. He grabbed a large, fluffy bath towel and handed it to her before placing Corky on the sink counter.

“Dry her off,” Blake directed. She wasn’t sure why he wasn’t drying the dog, considering his hands were much steadier.

Regardless, she did as he asked, the action soothing some of her rougher edges. Corky was here, safe and sound. The puppy’s tail wagged, and she kept trying to lick the raindrops sliding down Erika’s hands. Despite being inside, her clothing was drenched, dripping water everywhere.

Blake returned with a stack of more towels, closing the lid to the toilet before placing the pile there.

While she dried Corky, Blake used a towel to dry Erika’s hair, patting it against her head before wrapping it around the strands and slowly pulling it down to soak up the water.

“Don’t ever do that to me again, Corky,” she whispered, bending forward to place a million kisses on the dog’s head. “I can’t live without you,” Erika murmured, smiling through the tears when Corky rubbed her damp face against Erika’s cheek. “You’re my everything.”

She was amazed by how she’d lost her heart to the sweet creature in such a short time. Two months in and Corky completely owned her.

Blake reached around Erika, petting Corky as well. “You listen to her, Cork, because I’m pretty sure I just lost ten years off my life.”

Erika bowed her head, consumed with guilt. “I’m so sorry.”

“What?” Blake grabbed her shoulders, twisting her to face him. “What do you mean you’re sorry?”

“I lost her. She could have been hit by a car or…” Erika couldn’t recall the last time she’d cried this much, but there was no holding back the tears tonight.

Everything that had been stressing her out finally caught up to her, and between the storm, her guilty feelings about Doug, her overwhelming attraction to Blake, and nearly losing Corky, she was an emotional mess right now.

“Don’t you dare apologize, Erik. And if you’re blaming yourself, stop right now. She broke free of the leash. That wasn’t your fault.”

Erika couldn’t accept that. “I must not have hooked it completely.” She pushed several wet strands of hair away from her face. “And I know she hates storms. I should have waited for it to pass before taking her outside. I thought we could get our walk in before it started. I was so stupid and?—”

“Stop talking.” Blake cupped her face, tilting her head back. “Repeat after me. We found Corky. She’s fine.”

Erika bit her lower lip when it started to tremble.

“Say it, Erik.”

“We found Corky. She’s fine,” she whispered.

“Say it again,” he demanded.

“We found her. She’s fine.”

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