Page 36 of Restraint

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And despite her assertions that they remain friends, he couldn’t keep her in that box anymore. It was too small to contain what he wanted from her.

Which meant, he had to convince her to change her mind, to open her eyes and see what he saw.

That the two of them would be so fucking good together.

Hell, they’d be explosive.

Erika gasped in his mouth, her hips thrusting harder.

God, she was close to coming, just from dry humping his thigh.

Blake slid his hand to the opening of her slacks, intent on slipping his hand inside to find her clit. He knew without a doubt he could set her off like a bottle rocket within seconds.

His fingers brushed against her bare stomach, but damn if that touch wasn’t the equivalent to someone dousing them in cold water.

Erika jerked back before he could read her intention. She almost stumbled in her attempt to escape him, so he reached out to grasp her arm, steadying her. That touch had her shrugging him off more firmly, retreating even farther away.

“Erik,” he said softly, talking to her like she was a wild mare he was trying to tame.

“Blake.” Her eyes were wide and wild, her cheeks red, her breathing stuttering.

He needed to do damage control, fast.

“Did you have enough time to think about Saturday night?” He was proud at how steady and strong his voice was.

She frowned. “What?”

“Sounded to me like you do your best thinking while kissing. Weren’t you weighing over whether or not to invite Doug in while he was kissing you?”

She reached up, touching her kiss-swollen lips, which the alpha male inside took great pride in seeing. Erika was more than a little bit flustered, and he freaking liked that too. Liked keeping her on her toes. God knew that’s where she’d had him the last few weeks.

“Tell you what, Erik. I’ll make it easy on you. I’ll pick you up at seven on Saturday.”

Erika looked like she wanted to refuse, but when her shoulders slumped and she released a long breath, he knew he’d won.

She was too rattled to fight. He tucked that information away because that was something he could definitely use again.

“Okay,” she said, slowly licking her lower lip, drawing his attention to it, making him want to resume the kissing right where they’d left off. His dick was rock-hard and hurting, and he suspected she was in a bit of pain herself. Stopping so close to coming couldn’t have been easy for her.

“But it’s not a date.” She was trying to put parameters on this thing between them again.

Blake hated it, but because he didn’t want to lose the ground he’d gained, didn’t want to run the risk of pushing her too far, he merely said, “It is whatever we want it to be.”

Two could play the vague game.

She looked like she wanted to belabor the point, to force him back into that “just friends” box. She was welcome to try, but he wasn’t going back there without a fight. It was obvious she wasn’t where he was, but Blake was nothing if not persuasive, and Erika had unwittingly given him way too much ammunition. There wasn’t much about her he hadn’t learned in the last three years, and he planned to put all that information to good use.

“You want Corky tonight?” he asked, even though it was technically his night to keep her.

Erika glanced around, spotting Corky lightly snoring in her dog bed in the living room. She shook her head. “No. She’s comfy here.”

Blake nodded once. “Okay.”

Erika’s gaze drifted lower, and Blake chuckled. There was no hiding the impact their kiss had on him. His erection was very obvious, thanks to his cotton lounge pants. He adjusted it as best he could while she watched.

When she realized he was looking at her, her gaze met his. He winked.

When she rolled her eyes good-naturedly, he decided he’d won that round. Erika was shaking her head as she turned and walked toward the door. The fact she wasn’t stealing one last cuddle from Corky told him just how much he’d shaken her rafters.

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