Page 33 of Restraint

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She shrugged. “I like him, and we have a good time together, but I’m just not sure I’m ready to take the next step.”

Doug couldn’t be much of a kisser if Erika was standing there making a list of pros and cons while the guy was laying one on her. He was tempted to tell her as much, but he knew her well enough to know that would really annoy her.

If he was a good friend, he’d convince her to invite Doug in the next time for a sleepover. The woman had gone too long between sexual encounters.

“When was the last time you had sex?”

Erika shook her head. “I’m not talking about sex with you again. We already had that conversation.”

“More than two years? Three?” he guessed.

The way she stilled told him he was on the right track. “Why do you think that?”

“I live across the hall, Erik. Never, not once, have I seen any guy leaving your place in the morning…or in the middle of the night, for that matter.

“Just because I don’t have a revolving door of lovers coming in and out of my place, doesn’t mean I’m never getting laid.” Her cheeks were flushed that adorable pink that told him she was lying though her teeth.

“My apartment is hardly a revolving door, if that’s what you’re insinuating.” Blake headed to the kitchen, peering into his refrigerator. “Beer, wine, tea, coffee, or OJ?”

She followed him, leaning on the island counter. “Beer.”

He popped the tops off two Coronas, handing her one.

“No lime?”

He chuckled. “Snob. I’ll put them on the grocery list for next time.”

They tapped their bottles together, not bothering to make a toast, each of them taking a long swig.

“So you like this guy?” Blake asked, not sure he wanted to know the answer.

“I guess so.”

She was the queen of vague when it came to subjects she didn’t want to discuss. Usually he let her get away with it, but not this time.

Blake took another quick sip. “You’ve gone out with him more than any other guy in the past few years. So I’m going to go out on a limb and say you like him.”

“He’s a nice guy.”

Jesus. She was a professional when it came to being elusive. Not that it mattered. He knew exactly how to get her to talk. “It’s a shame he’s such a shitty kisser.”

Erika frowned. “He’s not a bad kisser.”

He smirked. “Not bad doesn’t not translate to great.”

She put her beer down. “Doug’s kisses are very nice.”

“Nice is probably the most boring word in the dictionary. Don’t mean to brag, but none of my lovers have ever called me or my kisses nice.”

Erika rolled her eyes. “You realize what you just said was the very definition of bragging. And I’m pretty sure there’s no way you can know they haven’t said that about you.”

Blake leaned against the kitchen counter, crossing his arms in a way that he knew made his muscles bulge. “Trust me. I know.”

“You are the most arrogant, annoying, cocky?—”

“Cocky and arrogant mean the same thing,” he interjected.

“Thanks for all these vocabulary lessons, Balakay. You’re in rare form tonight.” She sighed. “But I’m too tired to play.”

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