Page 17 of Restraint

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She gave him a small grin, the first genuine one of the evening. “It’s too late to go running.”

“We could always hit the gym downstairs. Race each other on the treadmills.”

She shook her head. “You just played hockey all night. I can’t imagine you have enough energy to run with me.”

Blake hated seeing her so down. If it took running five, even ten miles to help her forget her sadness, he’d do it. “I’ve got plenty of steam left.”

“I’m not sure I should get on a treadmill tipsy,” she said, pointing to her wine.

He hadn’t considered that. “True. You’d probably fall off,” he joked.

Erika tilted her head left, then right, stretching the tense muscles. “Unfortunately, I can’t employ your tried and true.”

“What’s that?” Blake asked.


He snorted, shocked and amused by her words. While he was the king of TMI when it came to discussing his sex life with his best friend, she never shared any insight into her own. Of course, Blake knew his penchant for oversharing came less from wanting to brag and more from wanting to make her blush. Erika’s cheeks went adorably pink every time he said something she considered scandalous.

“Of course you can. In fact, that’s an excellent idea,” he said. “Sex is to tension what aloe is to burns. There’s nothing like knocking one off in a hot shower to send all your worries right down the drain.”

“Wow, that’s deep,” she joked. “Did you rip that right off the SAT test?”

Blake laughed, glad to see the sadness was slowly fading from her eyes, giving way to teasing. “I don’t think I’m the first person to discover that sex is a great way to relax. That’s exactly what you need tonight.”

She narrowed her eyes. “I know you like to take your victory lap, but I’m not sleeping with you just because I had a bad night and you had a good one.”

Blake rolled his eyes. “Jesus, Erik. Don’t worry. I’m not offering. You don’t need a man to come.”

“Really?” she replied sarcastically.

“An orgasm would help,” he persisted, tilting his head, pretending to study her face. “Actually, in your case, it might take two.”

Erika shook her head. “I swear you have sex on the brain. You do realize it’s not the answer to every problem, right?”

“Since when?” he asked, aghast. “All I’m saying is, if you combine that wine with a hearty dose of masturbation, you’d sleep like a baby.”

“I’ll take your suggestion under advisement.”

Blake could tell from her tone she’d already dismissed the idea. While she’d mentioned orgasms as a joke, the more he thought about it, the more he was sure it would really help. Now that she was brushing him off, he felt the stubborn need to double down.

“I’m being serious. When was the last time you had an orgasm?”

“I’m not answering that question.” Erika grabbed the wine, upended the glass, drinking down the last of it.

“Are you counting in days?” he continued. “Months? Years?”

Erika shook her head, taking an imaginary key and locking her lips. “I’d never give you that much ammunition to use against me for future teasing.”

Blake leaned back on the couch, resting his arm on the cushion behind her. “What’s your sex toy situation like?”

“Oh my God. You have issues.”

Blake laughed when he realized she was blushing, enjoying the sight of the pink now tinging her cheeks. “Let me guess. It’s sparse. You probably own a Magic Wand and…” He rubbed his chin. “God, please tell me you at least own a dildo?”

Erika crossed her arms but didn’t bother to add anything to the conversation. Teasing each other about sex wasn’t a new thing for them. In fact, it was one of his favorite ways of getting under her skin. Probably because he viewed it as payback. Erika had a great deal of fun at his expense, constantly teasing him about his playboy habits and Mindy.

“Here’s how I imagine your masturbation routine goes down,” he started, encouraged to go on by Erika’s unamused grin. “You press a vibrator to your clit for five to ten seconds, shove it inside for a dozen or so thrusts, give yourself a lukewarm orgasm, then fall asleep. You probably don’t even bother to build the scene with a hot fantasy, do you?”

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