Page 26 of You're Mine

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Anna-Beth put her hand onto her swelling stomach. She was pretty sure the baby had moved, but it could also be the salad she had for lunch. The salad George had insisted on her eating.

“What is it?” George asked, suddenly appearing in her office.

The last three months had been a whirlwind. First, she’d accepted George’s proposal, had even told him she loved him. It had felt good to finally tell him how she felt. Malcolm hadn’t been too impressed, and he’d stormed out of George’s apartment that night. The following day, Anna-Beth had been summoned, but she’d declined to go and see her family. Her trust fund had been frozen, but again, she no longer needed that. Also, she’d taken the job George had offered her. The press had a field day with that juicy piece of gossip.

Someone had also leaked to the press exactly what she did, and her association with many of the different companies. She imagined her family had read about the juicy gossip. Either way, it didn’t matter.

Malcolm had slowly started to mend bridges, as he didn’t want to be cut off from his best friend, or his sister. Relations were strained, but Anna-Beth didn’t mind. Even though she’d always been on good terms with her brother, there were times she simply didn’t like him. Especially once she learned what he was like when it came to business.

After their whirlwind wedding, they had a short honeymoon, and then work took over. Not only did she want to prove her family wrong, but she wanted to make this work for George. The press had been all over this new division within George’s company. There were a lot of people who were critical and wanted to see it fail.

In the past three months, she’d watched it grow stronger.

Of course, George nearly had a panic attack when he learned she was pregnant. They hadn’t exactly been careful all the times they had sex, not that she had a problem with that. George had been the only man she had ever wanted to be with. Her love for him had never diminished in the twenty years she had known him, and had only gotten stronger, just as she knew it would.

“It’s nothing. Either digestion, which sounds gross to me, or our baby is moving.”

George rushed over and placed his hand on her stomach. She couldn’t help but smile as he always did this while pulling her into an embrace. She wasn’t going to complain with him holding her.

She loved it when he wrapped his arms around her, breathed her in, and she could just close her eyes and fall into him. That was all she wanted to do.

“I don’t even know if after three months our baby can kick,” she said.

George kissed her head. “Let me call the doctor.” He’d already pulled out his cell phone and Anna-Beth took it from him.

“Let’s not.”

“Anna-Beth, don’t you want to know? And I’m not doing any of those crazy Internet searches either.”

Yeah, they had ended up at the hospital after he did one of those as he felt she was hiccupping too much. After that, she and the doctor agreed to keep George in check. She did her best, but the man was a machine.

“We’re not going to do Internet searches, and we’re going to enjoy this together.” She cupped his face and pulled him in close for a kiss. “Have I told you today how much I love you?”

“Yes, but I don’t have a problem hearing it.”

“Have I ever told you that when I was ten years old, the first moment I saw you, I knew I wanted to marry you?” she asked, trying to distract him.

“No, you’ve never told me that.”

It was so much easier to distract him with the truth.

She ran her hands over his chest, playing with the lapel of his shirt.

“You’re lying?” he asked.

“No, I’m not lying. I’m telling you the truth.” She went onto her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his. “I loved you then.”

“Anna-Beth, I was twenty years old.”

“I know, and my young heart didn’t care. I knew what I wanted, and I wanted to be with you. I loved you then and every time Malcolm brought you around, I tried to think of stuff to say to you.”

“We never talked,” he said.

“Exactly. I had no idea what to say to you, but now I know what I want to say.” She kissed him again.

“I didn’t love you as a ten-year-old girl,” George said.

“That’s good to know.”

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