Page 20 of You're Mine

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“After we deal with this one.”

He saw her shoulders slump.

Anna-Beth pulled out of his arms, and George walked back to his desk. He couldn’t help but keep glancing up at her as she worked on her cell phone.

He didn’t know how he could be so wrong about this. She’d shown an eye for talent, and while she’d been looking through the files, he’d done his research. Every single company she invested in was doing exceedingly well. She was a silent partner.

The twenty-minute wait was over way too fast, and George walked with Anna-Beth into the conference room, and the smells were incredible. He wasn’t expecting the men to turn up with food, even though it was a food truck idea.

Introductions were made, and he watched Anna-Beth talk, and then it came to the testing of the food. George was going to decline, but he watched as Anna-Beth started to taste.

The slumped shoulders changed and he saw the smile in her eyes, that sparkle he’d seen when she was talking about the companies she had helped.

He decided to try, and with one taste he was blown away. The traveling food truck had so many ideas for all through the year, from special menu ideas to seasonal, and they had even set up a social media presence.

Before long, he listened to Anna-Beth, and then he was irritated with himself for having a moment of doubt about her.

His initial assessment was right. Anna-Beth thought outside the box. She saw talent where others didn’t. He wouldn’t have even considered this an investment, and yet, listening to them all talk, he saw the value of it.


Anna-Beth knew George regretted his decision to allow her to go through his files. She wouldn’t tell a soul, even if he did fire her, not that he’d hired her.

The two men, father and son, had been working on this idea, but the biggest problem was they didn’t have the initial start-up to purchase a van. Anna-Beth knew, if George told them no, she’d give them the money before they had even left. She wouldn’t be able to give them George’s company name, but she’d help them any way she could. The food was amazing, and their ideas refreshing as well as exciting. They knew in a constant change of market, they needed to keep up-to-date. By constantly changing their menus and bringing back old staples, they would be a huge hit.

She could see people getting excited at the prospect of them hitting their city or town. They were not interested in just serving cities, but going urban, and she loved that idea.

Much to Anna-Beth’s surprise, George offered them a contract, as well as the funds to get up and running. He even asked them to consider when they could get started. The excitement in the room was humming, and they shook hands with the agreement to come back tomorrow to start talking contracts.

George took her hand and walked her back to his office. She let go and spun around. “Oh, my, did you see the looks on their faces? They are so happy.”

He flicked the lock on the door and turned back toward her.


He advanced toward her, and then reached out, cupping her face, and tilting her head back.

“I’m sorry,” he said.

“I’m confused. Are you not going to help them?”

“Oh, I am going to help them, but I am sorry for doubting you.”

She smiled. “I knew you were doubting me. See, now you know how my parents and brother feel.”

He shook his head. “They don’t have any right to feel that way, just as I don’t.” He kissed her lips. “I was right, Anna-Beth, you do see talent in places others do not. That is a gift.”

“I see possibilities.”

“And others only look at the large market line. The big bucks. You have this way of seeing past that.”

“I guess not following in my parents’ footsteps has helped. Where Malcolm was raised by my parents, they gave me to nannies.”

He kissed her again, and she didn’t want to talk about her parents or brother, instead, she just wanted to be in George’s arms. He walked her back and she followed his lead, until her butt hit the edge of the desk.

She let out a gasp as he suddenly lifted her and pushed her dress up at the same time. She wore panties, but that didn’t stop her from feeling the cold of his wooden desk against her ass.

“Have I told you how much I love that you wear dresses?” he asked, putting a hand straight over her pussy.

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