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I shook my head. His sudden concern and warmth was making me feel like crying, after the cold threats of the detectives. After the last few days I’d had, my reserves were running low.

Ronan chuckled. “My, my, we’re just breaking all the rules today, aren’t we, Detectives? We wouldn’t want coercion charges on top of everything else I’m going to throw at you.”

Detective Vane scoffed as Whitely went to get water. “Throw whatever you want at us, the law is on our side.”

Ronan raised an eyebrow. “Are you a lawyer as well as a detective, Dolores? How interesting. Well, let’s get this circus started. What have you got? Ask your questions.” He turned to look at the two-way glass. “And just so we’re clear, I’d like to request confirmation that this interview is being recorded.”

A voice spoke over a loudspeaker. “I can confirm that.”

“Excellent. Go on then, show us what you’ve got,” Ronan said, arrogance dripping from every word.

Every single thing he said was designed to piss the detectives off, and it was working. I couldn’t stand him already and had never been so relieved that someone was on my side, and not the other.

“We have reason to believe that your client knowingly revealed the position of a judge-approved listening device placed in a suspect’s home, to aid them in concealing their crimes and provide false information,” Detective Vane began.

“What does that mean?” I exclaimed.

Ronan smirked. “It means everything they heard on the bug was a lie, deliberately designed to lead them in circles. There’s no proof my client revealed said device to her husband. Also, I would like to see the warrant for the device. Probable cause is such a tricky thing to get signed off on.”

Whitely flushed. “We’ll get it to you.”

“I’d like to see it now, thank you very much,” Ronan said and flicked his hand in a dismissive gesture.

“You’re a real piece of work, Black, or should I say O’Connor? Birds of a feather flock together, I suppose, Italians, Irish, Russians…you’re all scum.”

“Actually, the full expression is birds of a feather flock together – until the cat comes, and Dolores,” Ronan leaned in, “you’re no cat. Keep it professional, or we’ll have a problem.”

Whitely reappeared and slapped a paper on the table before Ronan. He took his time picking it up and reading it.

“Judge Winfred Ellens. Oh, dear, that’s a terrible coincidence for you. Have you not seen the news?” Ronan took his phone out of his pocket and pulled up a webpage. He read aloud. “Judge Ellens has admitted to over ten counts of misconduct, including accepting bribes, coercion, witness intimidation, and colluding to pervert the course of justice. I hope you had someone upstanding to back up your request for this warrant?” He checked a field on the paper. “Commissioner Reynolds?” He chuckled warmly. “I’d say you might be in a spot of trouble over this. Don’t tell me Judge Ellens also issued the warrant for my client’s arrest? I’d like to see that as well, while we’re here.”

“What did you and that monster De Sanctis do? Did you intimidate them? Threaten them?”

Ronan rolled his eyes. “Judge not, lest ye be judged, Detective Vane. I’m very interested in how you’ve been treating my client here for the last few weeks.”

She swallowed hard, her gaze darting around the room. She focused on me. “Charlotte, we can help you. I know you think we can’t, but we can, you just need to tell us what he’s done, and everything will change for you.”

She had no idea that was the opposite of what I wanted. At that moment, a knock sounded on the door, and a harried-looking man peered in.

“Detectives, a word.”

Detectives Vane and Whitely left me alone with Ronan.

“What happens now?”

“That was their chief. Given the serious evidence that’s come to light about Judge Ellens, all his active cases, investigations, warrants, and the like will be suspended. We will push to leave right now, and in a few days, I’ll make sure it’s all dropped. It’s over, Charlotte, this time for good. Judge Ellens has already stated that he accepted bribes in your specific case, so they have nothing to hold you on while it’s investigated.”

“I can’t believe it’s so easy to just walk away from an arrest warrant.”

Ronan grinned. “It’s not so easy, I’m just that good. Though, I suppose I should give your husband his due, as well as Giada.”


Ronan nodded toward the glass, subtly reminding me of the recording. Right.

“Meaning they never stopped believing in you,” he said with a wink. Code, surely, to cover our conversation.

I found myself smiling back.

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