Page 15 of Their Love Nest

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“Char, what are you doing? Get away from there!” Bear yells.

I grab hold of the platypus and glance to my right. The gazebo is swaying, or more specifically, the roof is swaying.

And it’s swaying toward me.

I see it come loose from its supports, and I panic, a deer in the headlights.


I’m tackled to the ground as the gazebo’s roof slides off its supports and right onto the spot where I was standing merely seconds before.

On top of me is Bear, who had pushed me out of the way, stopping me from being crushed by the heavy gazebo roof.

“Are you okay?” he asks, breathless, panting, sweaty, and more anxious than I have ever seen him before.

I shake my head and collect myself. I still have the platypus, and I do kinda hurt. Getting tackled by Bear is far from as gentle as he usually is with me. “I don’t think anything’s broken. Bruised, maybe, but nothing I gotta go to the hospital for.”

“Good. I’m sorry for hurting you.”

I look up at the gazebo roof in what’s now mud. “I’m not going to complain about some bruises and cuts; they’re a whole lot more preferable to having a gazebo roof fall on my head.”

Bear pulls himself up and then helps me up. He sees me still carrying the platypus. “Going off and risking yourself for a plush toy.”

“The poor kid is already freaking out. Doesn’t need to lose his favorite platypus too.”

Bear smiles. “You’re not only going to be a fun mom, you’re going to be a great one.”

We get up, and head into the cabin as the rain begins to pour down. I return the platypus to Nate, but when I look over at Bear, I note that his cheery demeanor has turned dour.

Why the sudden change? It hurts my heart to see him like this.

Did me endangering myself really bother him that much? I didn’t even think it was dangerous when I ran out. I couldn’t have known.

I didn’t want to break his heart though. He’s so sweet and caring.

God, is this what real love is? When you care so deeply for someone you agonize over even causing them the slightest bit of discomfort?

I want him. I need him. I never want to see that frown on his face again.

I love him.

And I don’t know what to do about that.



When the storm passes, we head back to our own cabin. Bear hasn’t said anything since we came in. He went to take a nap on Hunter’s sofa to wait for the storm to pass over.

But I have an inkling that he just lay there with his eyes closed.

Something is bothering him deeply.

“Come on. Spill it,” I say, as we drive back home.

“Hmm?” he says.

“What’s bothering you? You’ve been way more silent than you usually are.”

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