Page 55 of Angel of Mercy

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I nod. "Her sister is married to my brother."

“She thought Luca and Lucia were together. But it was crazy talk. She was devoted to Giuseppe, and he was to her, even if it wasn't a traditional marriage. And of course, Luca was worried about Lucia when she went to New York."

"She is a fierce woman who can take care of herself."

"I'm sure that is true, but Luca is loyal to his father. He made a vow to him to look out for her." Bianca’s brows grow together as if she's considering something. "You know, she was a dancer for him, but the first time he came back from New York, he promoted her. Put her in charge of all the dancers. I bet he did that to compensate for ending things with her. And that's when you met him, is that right? When he was in New York?"

I can see the tale that she's trying to weave, and my heart desperately wants to believe it. Luca ended things with her after meeting me. Didn’t he say something like that to me already?

"What if the baby is his?" I ask.

Bianca waves her hand like she's flicking away a tiresome fly. "How do we even know she really is pregnant? She’d do anything to get Luca."

I think about walking into my room and finding her there combined with Bianca’s comment about Electra doing anything to get Luca. How far is anything?

"Do you think I'm in danger from her?"

"Nobody would be dumb enough to take something from Don Conte." But Bianca’s expression belies the certainty of her statement.

I know that Luca has enemies all around. I’d just spent a harrowing two days with one. But this enemy could be carrying his child and has the ability to get into the house unnoticed. How far will Electra go to get rid of me so she can have Luca?



I'm sitting in a meeting with Bruno and Stefano, who I’d put in charge of managing Sabini’s clubs. At the moment, we are in the back room of one of the clubs that is so seedy I think I'm going to have to take a shower when I get home. The good news is that with a little investment, I think we can turn this place into a nicer establishment.

Stefano is explaining that all the staff in this and the other clubs understand that I’m in charge now and are on board to work with us.

"In fact, they’re quite eager for new management," Stefano says.

“Good. What about those who aren’t on board?” A few of Sabini’s men have tried to come after mine. They seem to be fighting each other more than me to take over Sabini’s business. But they did nearly kill one of my men, and I won’t have that sort of chaos around. Not now with Aria here.

“We’re on it,” Bruno says.

I don’t need the details as I trust him. My phone vibrates in my pocket, and I take it out to check if it’s Aria.

The name of the head of my home security pops up on the screen. "Excuse me for a moment. I need to take this." I rise, fighting the kernel of concern in my belly. "Pronto."

"I'm letting you know that we had an unwelcome visitor today,” he says.

That concern ratchets up. "Is everyone at the house all right?”

"Si, Don Conte."

"Well, who the fuck was it?"

"She said her name was Electra. It was on her ID, and well… we know she is a friend of yours."

What the hell? “And you let her in?”

There is hesitation on the other end of the phone, and I don't envy him his concern about my wrath because I’m pissed. "We had no reason to believe that she was unwelcome here."

I grind my teeth. I have Aria, a woman I want to make my wife, and they think Electra is welcome at my home? Even if I were a man to cheat, I wouldn’t do it in front of Aria.

"When has Electra ever been to my house?" My anger is palpable through the phone.

"We are aware that you’re friends and… uh… she had important information for you."

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