Page 32 of Angel of Mercy

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“It doesn’t prove anything. And I’m not about to upset Don Conte’s betrothed. Are you?” Bianca’s carefree façade cracks with nerves.

The women shirk back, which I take to be an expression of their fear of Luca. Would he hurt them? The image of the begging man returns. Just how brutal is Luca?

“Show me what?” I ask.

“It’s nothing?—”

“No. I want to know.” My voice is bolder, demanding. I might be naïve, but I’m not a doormat.

Bianca purses her lips, but she pulls out her phone, poking at it. Then she hands it to me. The image on the screen shows Luca with a large-breasted woman who is pulling at his tie, and his hand is on hers. They appear to be in a club. My stomach sinks, but I suck in a breath to keep strong.

I look at the woman. “Luca is a powerful, handsome man. I’m sure women try to seduce him all the time.”

All eyes are pitying me.

“That’s Electra. She’s been a plaything of Don Conte’s for some time,” Francesca says.

“It’s well known that she wanted to be his wife,” Maria adds.

Bianca makes a face. “She’s trash. And you’re right, Aria, it’s possible she’s just trying to get him back. She works at his club.”

The women shake their heads, and I know Bianca is trying to make light of the situation. Inside, my heart is beating a million miles a minute. All my doubt is gone, replaced with surety that I made a mistake in coming here.

Bianca looks at the women knowingly.

“Bianca is right,” Allesandra says. “Don Conte is a good man, like his father.”

The rest of the women nod, but I know they’re patronizing me. Probably because they worry what Luca will do if he finds out they told me about his mistress.

I try to brush it off because it’s humiliating enough. “I’ll make him forget her.”

The ladies laugh. “That’s the spirit.”

I’m glad when I can leave without it looking like I’m running away. I wait until after a few other of the wives leave, then yawn and report that I’m still jet lagged.

Bianca asks Ernesto to take me home. I’m relieved she’s not coming with me because my mind is reeling, and I need quiet to think. By the time I’m dropped off at Luca’s door, I know what I have to do.

I first go to Luca’s room and search for my bag. I can’t find it and decide I don’t need to pack. In fact, it will be easier if I don’t. I have plenty of clothes in New York, assuming Niko hasn’t tossed them out. The question is can I get home, and will Niko take me in, protect me if needed?

I leave the room, heading downstairs, skulking about until I find Luca’s office. Trying the knob, I find it’s unlocked. I slip in, shutting the door. If I’m caught, who knows what will happen to me. Luca will probably lock me up. Didn’t he tell me it’s within his right to force me to stay?

I stop for a moment, remembering he gave me a choice. But did he really? He’d seduced me to manipulate me to make sure I chose him. He’s angry at Niko. Would he do something to me to get back at him? God, I’m so confused.

I find a landline phone and pick up the receiver, listening to see if it works. The buzz sound is different in Italy, but it appears to work. Having lived in Europe for years, I know how to call the United States. I dial the country code and then Niko’s number.

“Unless you’re returning Aria, we have nothing to talk about.”

I’m so relieved to hear his voice. “It’s me, Niko.”

“Aria? Are you okay? What has that fucker done to you?”

“Ah…” Technically, I’m alright. Mostly, I’m embarrassed and feeling like a stupid woman. “I’m fine, but I want to come home.”

“He won’t let you?”

“I don’t know. He’s out of town. I just?—”

“I can’t get a plane there until tomorrow, but I can get you a ticket. Can you get to the airport?”

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