Page 23 of Angel of Mercy

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"Bring in all the capos in the region."

Bruno nods. "When do you want to meet?"

I want to put it off. I finally have Aria here, and I want to bury myself in that sweet body of hers again. But this business needs attending to.

"The first thing tomorrow. "

"And what about this wedding? How soon do we need to set that up?"

"I want it done by the end of the week."

Bruno nods and exits my office.

I settle in at my desk to do what I do best, run a lucrative, albeit illegal, business. But Aria isn't far from my mind. I check my watch and have half a mind to send somebody out to find her and bring her back home.

But I'm a man who tries hard not to give in to urges and impulses.

A lack of control is a sign of weakness, and there's one thing no one will ever say about me and that is that Luca Conte is weak. I suppose that's another lesson my father taught me. Patience.

In patience and self-control is where power lies. It's a power that I wield effectively. Enzo won't see it coming when I finally take him down. And if Niko is smart, he won't test me. He’ll see what I can offer Aria and him and give his blessing.

But if not, I’m prepared to defend what's mine. To keep what's mine. To keep Aria.



Spending the day with Bianca is a bit like being on a roller coaster ride. Especially the way she drives her little sports car. Fast and thrilling, but a little scary as well.

The first part of the day is all about pampering. Nails, hair, and a massage. Next, we shop at the boutique couture stores where Bianca purchases something from each and every one we enter. Since I already have a closet full of new clothes, I only splurge on a handbag.

Now we’re sitting at a café having coffee and more pastries.

"I want to hear all about your great escape to come to Luca,” she says, her dark eyes attentive on me like she really is interested in my story.

"Luca and I were exchanging secret notes through a bookstore."

Bianca’s eyes light with delight as she leans forward, resting her chin on her palm, listening intently.

"Then one day, I got a note asking me to run away. He made all the flight arrangements, but it was up to me to get to the airport. My brother is very protective, so it wasn't easy."

Bianca nods. "I have slipped my bodyguards a time or two." She glances over to the corner of the room where two dark suited men sit. They make me think of Italian FBI men, but I know they are in fact made men.

"I was able to sneak out of the house and order a car that got me to the airport. Luca’s man, Bruno, was there, and he escorted me over."

Bianca let out a long sigh. "That's so romantic."

"How did you and your husband meet?"

She straightens and waves a hand. "It is not so romantic. What Gino and I have doesn't involve love. Not that we’re not happy. We both get what we want."

I frown. "You didn't want to marry for love?"

Her eyes narrow, making her look shrewd. "I can get love elsewhere. But the luxuries in life that I enjoy, for that I need Gino."

This is not a surprise to me. I'm well aware that many of the marriages in the Mafia have nothing to do with love. Often, they are business or political moves.

I've always known that I didn't want that. Especially after I saw how much Niko loved Elena, I was sure that he would support me in marrying for love. I wish I understood why he is so against Luca.

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