Page 6 of Montana Healing

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Cara nods, her eyes reflecting a profound understanding of the situation.

Suddenly, her mood shifts, the previously contemplative air around her giving way to an unmistakable spark of enthusiasm.

“It’s just so surreal, you know? Having Tyler here, of all people. I’ve been an avid follower of his bull-riding career for years. He was nothing short of phenomenal. To watch him in the arena was like witnessing poetry in motion. It’s a real shame that his knee injury has put such an abrupt pause on everything.”

As Cara’s excitement and passion flood the room, I am genuinely intrigued by her depth of feeling.

“I had no idea you were such a fan of his.”

Her reply is immediate, her eyes shining with admiration.


She affirms.

“He was one of the greats in the sport. That’s why it’s so heart-wrenching to see him in this condition. Everyone knows how resilient and determined he is, but to witness him grappling with this new reality… It’s just devastating. And what makes it even worse is that the Wildcard Ranch, the very place where his life took such a drastic turn, is still operational. It boggles my mind how such a notorious place continues to function, especially given that children are often present.”

Her words resonate with a gravity that momentarily roots me in place.

“It’s deeply troubling.”

I admit.

“The idea that a place with such disregard for safety continues to operate is beyond irresponsible.”

Cara’s concern deepens as she elaborates,

“And to think, his injury didn’t even occur during a competition. It happened during a routine practice. The level of frustration and disillusionment he must be feeling…”

She trails off, her voice laden with empathy.

“I just wish he knew the extent of support available to him. That there’s a whole community of us who believe in his capacity to return stronger than ever.”

My response is a mix of frustration towards the circumstances surrounding his injury and hope for Tyler’s recovery.

“It’s a terrible situation all around. But there’s hope, Cara. Despite everything, I believe Tyler can navigate through the rehabilitation process successfully. And perhaps, in time, he’ll find comfort and a sense of belonging here, embarking on a new chapter of his life.”

Cara’s smile is infectious, her optimism seemingly endless.

“That would be amazing, Sarah. Seeing him back in action or finding a new passion would be incredible. But more than anything, I hope he rediscovers joy in the arena or through a new venture.”

She returns from the doorway and adds.

“He’s lucky to have your support. And remember, if there’s anything I can do to assist, don’t hesitate to reach out. With enough encouragement and support, we can help him see how many people are rooting for him.”

As she walks away, I'm filled with a fresh sense of determination. The journey to assist Tyler in his recovery and adaptation will have obstacles.

However, Cara's surprising support and faith in his abilities strengthen my commitment to help him through this process, aiming to support his path to recovery and perhaps a fresh start.

He’s unaware that people are still rooting for him from the sidelines.

Actual fans of his reside in Pine Creek, but he doesn’t know because he doesn’t go out much.

During our sessions, he said he comes here, goes to his rehab sessions at Beartooth Ranch, and goes home.

Tyler to himself at the ranch but won’t explain why. He sprinkles in some information and shuts down when I try to go deeper into it.

He becomes defensive or annoyed when I ask him about his feelings. He won’t speak about his family, which makes me realize his personal life is private.

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