Page 54 of Montana Healing

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"Well, you folks can watch and ensure the kids stay seated during the ride," he chuckles. "You won't believe how adventurous some of these little tykes can get."

Sarah and I exchange an amused glance. "We can handle that," she says, her tone confident.

As the horses begin to pull the wagons, the kids' laughter and squeals fill the afternoon air. The sun is warm on our faces, and the bright blue sky is dotted with a few fluffy clouds. Timmy sits beside a girl his age, and they chat animatedly about their favorite games and animals.

"So, how do you like the hay ride so far?" I ask Timmy, leaning closer to hear him over the noise.

"It's amazing, Daddy! I love the horses and the hay and everything!" he exclaims, his eyes wide with excitement.

Sarah smiles, her gaze shifting from Timmy to the other children. "It's great seeing all the kids so happy. This is exactly what we wanted for him."

"Yeah," I agree, my heart swelling with gratitude. "It's days like these that make all the hard work worth it."

The ride continues around the expansive ranch, passing fields of wildflowers and grazing cattle. Sarah and I stay vigilant, making sure none of the kids get too rowdy or try to stand up. Now and then, I catch her eye, and we share a moment of understanding and contentment.

After the ride, we help the kids down from the wagons. Timmy immediately runs to pet one of the horses, his face glowing joyfully. "Can we do it again, Daddy? Please?"

"Maybe later, buddy," I tell him, ruffling his hair. "There are more fun activities lined up for the afternoon."

Sarah's laughter draws my attention to where she's talking with a group of parents. Mrs. Johnson, the mother of one of Timmy's new friends, approaches us with a smile. "Timmy's a natural with the horses," she comments.

"Thanks," I reply, feeling a puff of pride. "He loves animals."

As the afternoon progresses, Sarah and I take turns supervising different stations. There's a sack race, a makeshift petting zoo, and even a cowboy boot toss. Throughout it all, Timmy is never far from our sight, and his cheerful presence is a constant reminder of the happiness we've built together.

"Hey babe, look at them go." Sarah nudges me as we watch a group of kids, including Timmy, jumping with all their might in the sack race. The sight of his excited face makes us both laugh.

"He's got some competitive spirit," I say, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"I wonder where he gets that from," Sarah teases, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

The sun dips lower in the sky, casting a golden glow over the ranch. We gather the kids for a snack break as the activities wind down. Timmy plops down on the grass beside us, munching on an oatmeal cookie. "This was the best day ever," he declares, through a mouthful of crumbs.

"We're so glad you had fun, sweetheart," Sarah says, kissing his head.

"And don't forget, there's more to come," I add, giving him a wink. "We've got a lot of great days ahead."

"To many more days like this," Sarah murmurs, linking her fingers with mine.

"To many more," I echo, squeezing her hand gently as we bask in the warmth of the setting sun.

As the campfire crackles with life, I glance at the kids huddled close to one of the older cowboys.

His weathered face glows in the firelight as he spins a thrilling tale, his voice rising and falling to the children's delight. The kids inch closer with each twist in his narrative, their eyes wide and excitedly sparkling.

Timmy is right in the thick of it, gripping a stick with a half-eaten s'more, the marshmallow gooey and melting over the chocolate, leaving sticky traces on his fingers.

His pure and uninhibited laughter mingles with the others, rising into the cool evening air, blending with the occasional hoot of an owl or the gentle rustling of leaves in the breeze.

Sarah and I are sprawled out on a blanket a little ways away, enjoying a rare moment of tranquility. The night sky above us is studded with stars, twinkling like diamonds against the dark canvas.

The vast expanse of the Milky Way stretches out in a luminous band of light, and now and then, a shooting star streaks across the sky, prompting whispered wishes and soft gasps from the onlookers.

We’re surrounded by other couples, each wrapped in their little worlds yet sharing this beautiful moment. The gentle hum of conversation creates a soothing background chorus, punctuated by the occasional crackle of the fire and the soft murmur of the breeze.

I turn to Sarah, my heart swelling with my love for her. Her eyes reflect the firelight, and the peaceful contentment on her face makes me fall in love with her all over again.

A lock of her hair, still faintly smelling of lavender from the earlier shower, falls across her forehead. She brushes it back absentmindedly, nestling closer to me.

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