Page 44 of Montana Healing

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"You know, you can talk to me about anything," he says softly on our last trip, carrying the final bags inside. His words tighten my chest, but I can't yet confide in him.

We finish bringing everything in, and the kitchen is now filled with bags of groceries. Tyler gently touches my shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. "I'm here for you, Sarah. Remember that," he says, looking earnestly into my eyes.

"Thank you, Tyler," I manage to say, my voice barely above a whisper. As we begin to unpack the groceries, I can't help but wonder if he's already sensed the tension, especially if he's telling me that he's here for me. I can't take it anymore.

Setting a bag on the counter emphatically, I finally turn to Tyler.

"Where's Mrs. Carolyn and Timmy?" I ask, trying to keep my voice steady but knowing it trembles slightly.

"Mrs. Carolyn's lying down 'cause of a headache," he says, looking at me with a concerned and confused expression. "Timmy's watching a movie in his room."

That was all I needed to hear. The house was clear. I take a deep breath, trying to gather my thoughts. The words come tumbling out before I can stop them. "I need to tell you something, Tyler."

His eyes widen slightly, but he nods, waiting for me to continue. As we move around the kitchen, putting groceries away, I find talking easier while my hands are busy.

"I ran into Marie at the grocery store," I say, not daring to look directly at him. "She asked about you... about us. Even asked who Timmy was."

Tyler chuckles softly, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "And what did you say?"

"What could I say?" I reply, feeling the frustration bubbling inside me. "That you're—" I lower my voice "—that you're more than just a friend and client. That we've been seen together, and not just seen but... being affectionate. Something I hadn't realized until she asked me about you. Until she brought up Timmy."

He shrugs, a small smile playing on his lips as he loads groceries into the pantry. "Well, I didn’t think we were all that discreet. We’ve been out for lunch and dinner in town, and sometimes, we're pretty close at the ranch. It’s not exactly a secret, Sarah."

I suddenly feel a wave of horror washes over me. "You mean... people have noticed? They're talking about us?"

Tyler’s expression softens. He steps closer, gently resting a hand on my arm. "It’s fine, Sarah."

"No, it’s not fine!" I blurt out, pulling away slightly. "I'm your therapist! This probably doesn't look good. Everyone in town is probably gossiping about us."

He sighs, his grip on my arms firm but comforting. "Sarah, people gossip no matter what. But I doubt it's in a bad way. And honestly, the only thing that matters to me is how you feel about this. About us.”

His words hang in the air as I try to calm down, but to no avail. Public perception is important to people in the helping profession. We want to be positively perceived as being for the community and considered helpers.

This alone makes me wonder if it's overshadowing all the work I do in the community. I have chosen to fall in love with this person, which will be my undoing regarding my good reputation.

Tyler’s eyes stay fixed on mine, full of calm reassurance.

"Sarah, listen to me. Yes, you're a therapist, and that's a huge part of who you are. But you're also a person, a woman who has every right to live her own life and make her own choices. Pine Creek isn’t the kind of place where people judge harshly. It’s more of a close-knit, positive community."

"But do you think that?" I ask a hint of desperation in my voice. "Do you believe people won’t see me differently because of this?"

He nods firmly. "I do. This town is small, which means people understand each other better. They know everyone has their struggles and stories. Relationships like ours happen here more often than you'd think because the dating pool isn't large. People get it. I might still be considered a newbie here, but my time here has shown me how kind the people in this town are."

I stand there, feeling torn between his certainty and my fears. "And what about Timmy? What if they find out about him? That you're his father?"

Tyler steps closer and takes my hands gently in his. "Sarah, I always knew there would come a time when I couldn't keep Timmy a secret forever. He's part of my life, and you're a part of my life—even more now. We're a family when we go into town, and people need to see that. I realize maybe I should just come clean about being a father. Better now than later.”

His words resonate through the maelstrom of anxiety churning inside me. "But how?"

"As a father, the first responsibility I have is to Timmy, and honestly, I don't want him to feel like he has to be hidden because of me or us. I'll make it my mission to ensure everything is okay. We will figure things out together no matter how complicated they seem."

I feel a tear slip down my cheek, and I let it. His hands hold mine with a steadiness that begins to ground me. "You think we can face this?"

"I know we can," he says with a quiet intensity. "Because I care about you, I’ll always be here for you. Anytime, forever and always."

I step into his embrace, wrapping my arms around him, feeling his strong presence envelop me. "Thank you, Tyler. For being in my life. For... everything."

He chuckles softly, giving me a loving squeeze. "Anytime, Sarah. Forever and always."

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