Page 32 of Montana Healing

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The realization hits me quietly one evening as we're sitting together on the porch, watching the sunset. Our chat wanders, touching on everything and nothing, and in those quiet moments, I catch him looking at me with this mix of admiration and shyness that just melts my heart.

In that instant, my heart does somersaults, thrilled by the sheer joy of being seen and understood.

"Soulmate" isn't just a fanciful term anymore. It's a very real possibility that's suddenly within reach. Who else could stir up such a storm of feelings with just a smile?

Who else could make the ordinary sparkle with excitement? Finding such a deep connection in Pine Creek, of all places, feels like the plot twist I never saw coming.

As the stars begin to dot the sky, I can't shake the feeling that they're in on it too, helping the universe craft a love story that breaks all the molds. With every heartbeat, I'm more convinced that Tyler is my soulmate, the one who reflects my soul, balances out my flaws, and turns every day into a celebration of joy.

Wrapped up in these revelations, I fall asleep tonight, my dreams colored with the hope of what's to come—a future interwoven with Tyler, where every laugh, glance, and touch is a chapter in our own extraordinary love story.

It's amazing to discover that another heart can be your sanctuary, a place where my once-lost soul has found its anchor.

I feel like I'm on vacation, as if I've just hit the jackpot—an unexpected bounty of time a whole two weeks before my next showdown with therapy session and clients.

Seems like the universe is playing matchmaker, pushing me closer to Tyler, and with Timmy as our sidekick, we morph into an adventurous trio, ready to take advantage of the beautiful summer weather.

It's during one of these sun-kissed afternoons that Tyler, with a mischievous glint in his eye, pitches a canoe ride down the creek, lighting up Timmy's face with a thrilling mix of excitement and a dash of nerves.

"I've never set foot in a canoe," Timmy admits, his voice dancing on the edge of fear and excitement. "What if we capsize?"

Tyler just laughs, expertly securing our life jackets, his hands a steady presence of reassurance. "Not on my watch," he vows, sending a wink Timmy's way. "I've got mad skills with a paddle."

So, we launch our canoe into the creek, the water a welcoming sight for the three of us. The canoe wobbles at first, sending a thrill of fear through Timmy, but it soon finds its rhythm, and I watch Timmy's fear melt into pure wonder.

Seen from the heart of the creek, our world transforms into an intimate, immediate experience, like we've stumbled into a secret realm meant just for us.

"Wow, this is incredible!" Timmy can barely contain his excitement, his eyes wide as he soaks in the lush greens and the playful darting of wildlife.

Tyler, true to his word, is a master with the paddle, guiding us smoothly through the water, parting the reflections of sky and trees with each stroke. I'm the quiet one, the observer in the heart of this serene adventure, enveloped in the easy bond that ties us together.

I've been on a canoe ride before, but it was before I came to Pine Creek and it did not go well at all.

"It's like we've stepped into another world," I whisper, my voice full of wonder.

Tyler shoots me a grin, his eyes sparkling with the thrill of shared discovery. "That's Pine Creek for you. Always revealing new wonders, even to the seasoned explorer."

Our journey becomes a dance of light and shadow, our laughter mingling with the water's murmur, and silences filled with comfortable understanding.

Timmy's initial fears are long gone, replaced by uninhibited joy that fills me with warmth. I realize these moments are weaving into Timmy's childhood experiences, memories he'll carry forever.

And as for Tyler and me, something real and deep is blossoming. It's there in his frequent glances, his laughter mingled with mine, and the unspoken understanding between us. Even Timmy, young as he is, senses the growing spark between his father and me, a budding romance that's as exhilarating as it is grounding.

Finally, as we head back to shore, Timmy boasts, "I wasn't scared at all," his chest puffed out in pride.

Tyler just ruffles his hair, laughing. "You're a natural, buddy. Next time, we'll let you paddle."

And just like that, the promise of more adventures loom on the horizon. I always love the promises of another time spent together and another tomorrow.

Tyler never falters with making it known that he wants me to spend more time with

Timmy. In a way, I believe our future together is solidifying more and more.

Chapter 15


The Bull Riding Comeback

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