Page 10 of Montana Healing

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"Why don't you come inside for a drink with me?"

I suggest, trying to mask the hope lacing my words with casual indifference.

Dr. Marlene hesitates, her professional demeanor surfacing.

"Tyler, I can't."

She starts, her voice firm but gentle.

"Having a drink with a patient... it's not professional. It crosses boundaries that shouldn't be crossed."

Her refusal ignites a spark of frustration in me.

"But you can prod and poke into every corner of my life in your office? Ask me all those personal questions?"

I challenge, the alcohol loosening my tongue.

"One drink. How's that any different?"

She looks at me, her expression softening, indicating she understands my frustration, but her stance remains unwavering.

"It's about maintaining a professional relationship, Tyler. There are ethics involved. It's not about what I ask or don't ask in session, it's about our roles. I'm your therapist, not a friend. That line exists for a reason... no matter how handsome you are."

There's a beat of silence as her words sink in, and I can tell she didn't mean for the compliment of my handsomeness to slip out.

Once filled with my burgeoning hope for something undefined, the night air now tastes bitter with rejection.

I nod, finally stepping back, recognizing the boundary she's unwilling to cross.

"Alright, Dr. Marlene. Goodnight then."

I say, a hint of resignation trailing my voice.

"Goodnight, Tyler."

She says, heading to her car. This conversation left me thinking about how crazy and complicated human connections are.

It's weird how the things that link us can also pull us apart.

I start to turn around and head back inside, but then I notice an unfamiliar feeling inside me—something drawing me towards Dr. Marlene.

There's been some hidden attraction since the first day we met, hiding underneath the disdain I've held for her from our therapy sessions.

I cross the parking lot to close the distance between us, her words calling me handsome swirling in my mind as I gently grab her by the elbow.

I spin her around as her wide eyes lock onto mine before my lips press against hers. She's stunned but shocks me when she kisses me back.

That is until she finally breaks the kiss and returns my expression of shock.

She quickly gets into her car and pulls out of the bar's parking lot while I touch my lips, which continue to tingle..

Chapter 4


Revelations and Confessions

The morning sun sneaks in through the blinds of my office window at Beartooth Ranch, throwing light streaks across my messy desk while I review inventory lists.

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