Page 9 of Twisted Attraction

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I offered Charlotte a tiny wave when she stared up at me, her lips parted. Now that I got a better look at her, this woman was truly breathtaking. She had dark brown hair that was wrapped in a bun, and had a set of eyes that reminded me of the ocean. Freckles dotted her nose and cheeks and her face itself had to have been carved from angels. Her cheeks flushed when I gave her a subtle onceover and trapped my teeth beneath my lip.

“It’s nice to meet you both.” She cleared her throat and then looked away from me with her head held high. “As you know, I’m Charlotte Greene. Harley Ford sent me. Again, what are we looking at?” She pulled out a pad and a pen and stared between us, waiting.

“Delilah Fields. She’s eighteen and was assaulted last night at a sex club called The Flirty Sanctum.”

Charlotte’s hand froze on the pad, her skin paling as she looked up, glancing between us.

“The Flirty Sanctum?” she repeated, her perfect brows raised high.

“You know the place?” Phoenix asked, raising his own thick brows as he cocked his head, curiously observing her.

“I know OF the place. And I know you have to be twenty-one to get in the door. How the hell was Delilah able to get in?”

“Her boyfriend is Justin Wheatley,” I answered, watching as she veered back to her pad and jotted the details down. “We checked him out. He’s twenty-two, so he’s old enough to get in. We’re assuming Delilah has a fake ID. We won’t know for sure until we talk to Justin. According to the trace on his cell phone, he’s in there.” I pointed to the house in front of us. “Once we talk to him, our next stop is the club.”

“And what about Delilah? Was there a rape kit done? Was she drugged? Is she able to identify who attacked her? Did you ask her about the fake ID?”

Phoenix shook his head. “She wasn’t drugged. Tox report came back clean and we’re still waiting for the DNA on the rape kit. All we know is that it’s possibly a white male with dark hair. He was wearing a bull mask at the time Delilah was attacked, so she never got a good look at his face. As far as the fake ID goes, we didn’t ask. She’s terrified, and well, we didn’t want to push her too hard, too fast. We suspect there’s more she’s not telling us, so we want to interview the boyfriend first and then check out the club before we take another swing at her.”

An intense shiver rushed over Charlotte’s body. Instead of speaking, she simply bobbed her head. “And what about the boyfriend? Where was he when she was attacked?”

“According to Delilah, he disappeared and left her. Claims she tried to leave and was shoved into the bathroom by the assailant.”

Charlotte gasped, looking appalled. “What a piece of shit.”

She paused before taking a massively deep breath and closing her eyes, releasing it.

“I’m sorry, that was rather rude of me.”

She cleared her throat and finished writing her notes, putting her pad away.

“If we’re ready…” Phoenix lifted his arm and gestured toward the property. “Please follow us, Ms. Greene.”

“My name is Charlotte,” she corrected him. “Call me Ms. Greene again and I’ll sever your tongue.”

Phoenix choked on his next words, blinking wide-eyed as he watched her move past him with her plump ass purposely swaying side to side. Was she trying to seduce us? Clearly, it was working for me and perhaps a little too well with Phoenix. Where I was a Dom in the bedroom, Phoenix was a Sub. He loved beautiful, feisty women and relinquishing all his control to them. As for me, I liked being in control. I liked bringing women down to their gorgeous knees and tracing my cock around their plump lips and leaving behind my mark in the form of a hand necklace while I fucked them senseless. A woman’s body was a temple I loved to explore and ravish whenever I could, and Charlotte Greene, albeit she was a stranger to me, had curves in all the right places. Even now as I watched her, I couldn’t help but imagine how she’d look kneeling before me with those pretty lips wrapped around my cock.

I slapped Phoenix on his shoulder and then ambled after Charlotte, tracing every delicious curve of her body again, my dick growing painfully hard, and fast. God damnit. This was not the time or place for this shit, and I knew it, so I mentally went over the case notes and eventually got my head back in the game.

I took the lead and knocked on the door, thankful Charlotte had listened to Phoenix when he cautioned her to stand behind us and off to the side, out of harms way. Just in case Justin tried to run, we didn’t need her getting caught in the crossfire.

Nobody answered at first, so I knocked again, a little harder this time. Movement shuffled inside the house and after a moment, footsteps approached the door. A woman with wild blonde hair wearing a sleep robe and last nights horribly smudged makeup opened it.

“Yes?” she said through an ugly yawn. “How can I help you?”

“I’m Detective Hutch and this is Detective Rhodes.” I flashed my badge at her, as did Phoenix. “We’re looking for Justin Wheatley.”

“For Justin?” The woman blinked twice and then scoped over our badges again, looking confused. “What’s this about?”

“Ma’am, are you familiar with a club called The Flirty Sanctum?” I asked.

“Well, yes,” she said with a nod, stepping out then and closing the front door behind her. “Justin came home with me from there last night. Is something wrong?”

“I’m afraid so, ma’am,” Phoenix replied. “We have to ask you a few questions. Justin, too. Would you mind waking him?”

“I will if you tell me what happened…”

“Excuse me, ma’am,” Charlotte spoke then, stepping out and revealing herself. “Charlotte Greene. I’m here on behalf of the DA. There was an incident last night at The Flirty Sanctum and Justin’s eighteen-year-old girlfriend, Delilah Fields, was attacked. You both can either cooperate here or we can take this down to the precinct. The choice is yours.”

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