Page 38 of Twisted Attraction

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I pulled up at the precinct and hit SEND on the text, letting Spike know I was here and waiting. I hoped he would come out soon because I had an idea I wanted to run by him.

The plan was to take Charlotte out to lunch and make the big reveal then, but instead of waiting for lunchtime to make our move, I wanted to go by the DAs office, personally deliver Charlotte’s flowers, and then ask her out to lunch in person. It seemed more intimate and gentlemen-like to approach her that way as opposed to sending a foolish, inconsiderate text message.

Time ticked by and the longer I waited, I began to get irritable. If he was in there taking a shit, usually, he’d have the decency to message me with a heads up. There were no missed calls or texts on my phone though, so the longer I was forced to sit and wait, the more impatient I’d become.

What the fuck was taking so long?

I exhausted another five minutes we really couldn’t afford to waste before I got out of the car and slammed the door shut. Charlotte’s flowers were in the passenger seat and no sooner than I’d shut the door, the vase tipped over in the seat.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I moved fast and opened the door, saving them from harm and luckily able to dodge wetting the seat. I blew out a breath and set them down on the floorboard just to curse angrily when I shut the door and watched them tip over again.

God damnit.

I rounded over to the passenger side, saying fuck it then and deciding to bring the vase with me. I didn’t want the flowers or the vase to get ruined, so if it meant I had to tote it around with me until it was in Charlotte’s hands, then so be it.

I made it inside the precinct and entered through the elevators, halting again when all of my colleagues, including Detective Peach, turned, and suddenly stiffened—their feet rooted in position and their eyes solely locked on me.

Spike wasn’t at his desk and as I wordlessly gazed around, I didn’t see him anywhere.

What the hell was going on?

“Interrogation Room 1,” a deep voice said from behind me.

I turned, locking eyes with Captain Burgess.

“You might want to hurry. It isn’t pretty.”

“Why? What’s going on?”

“Charlotte Greene came storming in not even a minute before you did. I’m not exactly sure what your partner did, but what I do know is that she looks angry enough to wrestle a thirteen-foot crocodile with her bare hands.”

I sighed deeply and closed my eyes.


This was the last fucking thing I wanted to deal with right now.

At this rate, the EMTs would be at the hospital long before Spike and I could step a foot outside of the building.

“Alright, Cap. I’ll handle it.”

I wandered over to my desk and gently placed the vase down, ensuring it was secure and nothing would knock it over before I turned and made the short trek over to the door leading to the interrogation hall. I approached the door to Room 1 and opened it to find myself staring at Charlotte and Spike nose to nose through the window.

Quickly, I rushed over to the speaker box and activated it so I could listen in.

“You had no fucking right, Hutch,” Charlotte growled, her chest heaving as she glared up and deep into his dark eyes. “Next time, grow a set of nuts and confront me face-to-face like a real man.”

She took a step away from him with her hands pressed to her hips and her head slightly cocked to the side, her eyes flashing.

All I could do was stand there wide-eyed and confused.

What the hell was going on?

What did Spike do?

Doing nothing but standing there behind the glass wouldn’t give me any answers, so I shut off the speaker box and entered the interrogation room, earning a startled gasp from Charlotte and an annoyed curse from Spike.

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