Page 23 of Twisted Attraction

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“We made one hell of a mess.” I slipped out of her, cursing softly at the sight of my cum dripping down her pussy and onto the floor. “Sit tight for me, Evie. I’ll be right back.”

Phoenix was probably furious with me and since he hadn’t come looking for me yet, I could only assume he was in the middle of an interview. We had a good turnout so far, but the night was far from over. I had to get back, so I grabbed what I needed from the bathroom and then dashed back to the Red Room to help clean Eve up.

“Thanks,” she said, embarrassment staining her exposed cheeks as she looked away from me when I was done cleaning her up and grabbed her shorts and boots.

I always wondered why she did that, why she’d get so nervous and shy after our encounters. Phoenix and I were the only men in this place she’d let touch her, so what the hell was there to be so wary about? Eve should know by now that we didn’t mean her any harm. Hell, all we really wanted was a chance to get to know her, the real her, outside of the sanctum.

“I-uh, I didn’t see Phoenix when I walked in. Is he here?” she asked, zipping up one boot and then moving on to the other.

“Not tonight,” I told her, frowning at her jutted bottom lip.

She was disappointed.

But why? Was she not happy to be with me tonight?

“He had to work late and wasn’t able to make it.”

“That’s a shame,” she muttered, sighing as she reached down and grabbed her black handbag. She opened it up and fumbled through it, pulling out two folded index cards with my name written on one and Phoenix’s on the other. “I was hoping to give these to you together.”

“What is it?” I asked, my heart jumping to my throat when I took them from her.

“It’s, um…” She paused, her cheeks pinking under her mask. “It’s my phone number. Maybe when we’re all free, we can meet up and go see a movie or something.”

Her phone number?

I blinked between her and the folded cards in disbelief.

It wasn’t that I wasn’t happy because I was. This was just completely unexpected.

“Thank you, Eve. I’ll make sure he gets it. And oh, there’s something I need to talk to you about.”

I looked around to make sure nobody was listening, but just to be safe I grabbed Eve’s hand and pulled her close to me, my mouth by her ear.

“A young girl was assaulted here two nights ago. The police are here questioning all the men who were here that night.”

She pulled away to look at me, her eyes wide and shrouded with fear.

“Phoenix and I are fine,” I promised her. “But from what the police are saying, it’s possible this guy may strike again. I think you should consider staying away from this place for a little while, at least until they’ve caught the guy.”

“Is this your way of asking me to leave?” she asked, her head cocked and lips pursed like she was confused.

“Oh, sweetheart.” I grasped her chin, trying not to get myself worked back up as I thumbed her bottom lip. “I’d fuck you here all night and have you waking up crippled in my bed tomorrow morning if I could. But in regards to your safety, yes, I’m afraid I am asking you to leave. I don’t want you to get hurt, Eve, and neither does Phoenix. Is that going to be a problem?”

“I guess it’s a good thing I gave you my number then.”

I smiled at her. “It is. I’ll get with Phoenix and we’ll set up a date. Now, would you like me to escort you out to your car?”

Eve chuckled and shook her head. “Thank you, Spike, but no. I can manage from here.” She started for the door, pausing to stare back at me just as I’d finished putting my boxers on and had the dual copies of her phone number clasped securely around my fingertips. “I-uh… I’m looking forward to seeing you again outside of this place. But there’s something I need to tell you first.”

“Whatever it is can wait. We have a lot to talk about, so why not save everything for our date?”

“If you insist,” she agreed, smiling at me. “Goodnight, Spike.”

She walked out the door then, and after standing there grinning like some teenage nerd who just landed their first date with the hottest girl in school, I got myself together and blew out the deep breath I’d been holding hostage in my chest. I glanced down to my open palm, catching a glimpse of the number written on the card with my name on it. Slowly my smile fell, and my heart dropped like a brick in my stomach once the revelation hit me.


Houston, we have a serious fucking problem.

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