Page 16 of Twisted Attraction

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Rhodes gave me a look that made his forehead pucker with wrinkles. “You want to speak to her alone?”

I shook my head and said, “Not alone, no. Given what’s happened to her, I can’t help but feel like maybe she’d feel more comfortable talking to me as opposed to dealing with two intimidating cops who just so happen to be men.”

He considered that for a moment or two, saying nothing at first.

“It’s worth a shot,” he eventually concurred, but it was the way he was looking at his partner that told me Hutch likely wouldn’t approve of it.

“He doesn’t want me here, does he?” I wasn’t sure why I asked—it just kind of slipped out. Maybe it was the way Hutch seemed so eager to get rid of me yesterday, or maybe it was because he’d stormed off without having the decency to speak to me.

Better yet, why do I even care? I wasn’t there for him, not even for Detective Rhodes. I was there for myself and most importantly, for Delilah. Whether Hutch wanted me there or not frankly didn’t matter. Either way, I still had to do my job.

“What?” Detective Rhodes blinked at me like I’d sprouted a third eyeball. “What gave you that idea?”

“I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I mean, after what happened with Karl—”

“Listen to me.” Rhodes stepped forward and reached up to grasp my shoulders, squeezing them gently. “You’re fine. If he seems a little flustered, well, that’s because he is. He and I pulled an all-nighter reviewing hours of security footage, on top of trying to pilfer through the suspect list at the same time. He’s exhausted—we both are, and to be honest, this is the last place we both want to be today. But we have jobs to do, and so, here we are. I promise you haven’t done anything wrong, Charlotte, so don’t worry about it, okay?”

“Okay.” I nodded, accepting his answer. “Thank you.”

“You two ready?” Hutch gruffly called out from where he stood beside the check-in desk.

One of the nurses left their post and scanned her ID card, opening the doors for us.

“We’re ready,” I answered, straightening my posture.

“Ladies first.”

Detective Rhodes smiled fondly at me and then gestured toward the open path. I ignored the heat flooding through my cheeks and then followed behind the nurse. She led me to Delilah’s room and as I glanced behind me, I found Detective Rhodes conversing with Hutch. I didn’t bother waiting for them.

“Hi there,” I said to the young brunette who was sitting up in the hospital bed, picking listlessly at her breakfast.

Delilah’s bruised gaze lifted and locked with mine. She offered me a wobbly smile but didn’t speak.

“My name is Charlotte Greene. I work for the DA’s office.”

“So, you’re technically my lawyer?” she asked, looking a bit confused.

“Sort of, yes. I’m helping Detectives Rhodes and Hutch with the investigation.”

Delilah swallowed, and then her battered eyes grew wide as they shifted over my shoulders. I didn’t have to look to know the detectives were behind me. I felt it the moment they entered the room.

“We need to talk, Delilah. Is it okay if I sit down?”

She nervously nodded. “Sure.”

I grabbed the closest chair and implanted it a few inches away from her bed. The detectives hadn’t moved but I could still sense them behind me.

“So,” I started. “I’d first like to express how sorry I am for what happened. I can’t imagine what you must be going through or how you’re feeling.”

“It’s hard,” she replied. “But I’m alive. I guess that’s all that matters.”

“You’re right,” I didn’t hesitate to agree. “You survived. Not many women are fortunate enough to survive something so heinous.”

Tears filled Delilah’s eyes. “What can I do for you, Ms…?” She paused, having forgotten my name.

“Please, call me Charlotte. The reason why we’re here is because, well… We know you weren’t being honest about what happened.”

“Wh-what are you talking about?” her voice shook.

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