Page 13 of Twisted Attraction

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“We understand it’s a huge conflict of interest and we’re sincerely sorry we didn’t come to you sooner. Spike and I were there last night when Delilah was attacked but I swear to you, Captain, we had nothing to do with it. We’re fully prepared to submit a DNA test to prove it.”

“How you spend your free time outside of the job isn’t any of my business,” he said sternly, his bushy brows pinched. “And yes, you’re right, this should’ve been brought to my attention first thing.”

He leaned further back in his chair then, steepling his fingers as he calculated us through tight, vexed eyes.

Silence filled the room while he mentally debated how to proceed.

My heart began to pound the longer he remained mute.

Spike shifted uncomfortably next to me and from the corner of my eye, I could see he was getting extremely anxious.

“Is that the list?” Captain asked, nudging his head toward the folder resting in Spike’s lap.

“It is,” was Spike’s nervous reply.

“Let me see it.”

Spike handed it over and together we tautly watched as he opened it up and grabbed the two pages, scanning them thoroughly. It was the sign-in sheets containing the names of all the men who attended the sanctum last night, mine and Spike’s included.

“Damn.” Captain Burgess dropped the pages and massaged his temples with the tips of his fingers. “That’s a lot of suspects.”

He tilted back in his chair again and scrubbed his hands down his face, sighing.

“Okay, here’s what we’re going to do. Protocol states I have to remove you two from the case. However, I’m going to put my ass on the line here and allow you to continue with the investigation.”

Spike and I blew out a breath, our shoulders sagging with relief.

“Go down to the lab and submit your DNA. If you’re positive Justin’s not the guy, then we need to rule you two out immediately. I’ll phone Chief and fill him in.”

“Thank you, Sir.” I rose to my feet, as did Spike.

“Take this with you.” He placed the pages back in the folder and handed it off to me. “You said you have the security footage from the club too?”

“We do,” I nodded.

“We need to talk to Delilah again, Cap,” said Spike. “There’s evidence on those tapes proving she wasn’t being honest about what happened last night.”

“Handle it tomorrow. Let the girl rest tonight. For now, get your asses down to the lab and then get to work marking names off that list. I expect a full update by tomorrow afternoon.”

Spike and I offered each other buoyant smiles before turning on our heels and starting for the door.



Igot home from work later that night and dropped the file Harley had given me down on the kitchen table, sighing as I approached my liquor cabinet to fetch a wine glass and my big bottle of Blackberry Moscato.

What a fucking day.

My nerves were completely shot, and nothing would please me more than to go upstairs, take a scolding hot shower, and sleep away the day’s hectic events, but I couldn’t. I still had a lot of work to do. I was going to the hospital first thing tomorrow morning to speak with Delilah and I wanted to be primed and ready.

I finished pouring my glass of wine and then sat down at the table. I took a sip and then opened the file, frowning at the photos. Each and every injury Delilah suffered from the attack was documented at the hospital. Her eyes were bloodshot and swollen purple. A brutal canvas of bruises was splayed across her neck, chest, and collarbone, and there was some minor bruising along her ribs and stomach. She also had two cracked ribs and a slight concussion.

“That poor, poor girl,” I whispered, internally sighing as I gulped the glass down and poured another.

After moving the photos aside with my free hand, I got started reading over Delilah’s statement, then the toxicology report, and then the rape kit results.

She wasn’t drugged, there wasn’t a drop of alcohol in her system, and semen was found in her vagina only. The DNA from the rape kit came back to an unknown male who wasn’t listed in CODIS, meaning the assailant didn’t have a criminal record and…

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