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Rajan gets into the driver’s seat and begins to drive once everyone is situated and buckled.

On the way to their cabin, he shows them the city, pointing out markets and businesses that he thinks they will find interesting.

But what Amory really finds interesting is the clinic. Rajan informs them that it’s only a five-minute walk away from where they’re staying and she almost misses it, but when she sees the small building with people standing outside in a line she’s excited to get to work.

Rajan drives for another block, and they arrive at an area surrounded by small cabins. Rajan points out their cabin and parks the car.

“Here we are,” he says. “Do you need help bringing in your bags?”

“No thank you,” Blake says.

“We got it, thank you,” Amory tells him.

“Of course,” Rajan says, unlocking the car doors and popping the trunk. He stays in the car, and once the two of them remove their backpacks and luggage, he rolls down the window to the driver’s side. He reaches his hand outside, holding two metal keys.

Blake reaches forward and takes them from Rajan’s hand. “Thank you,” she says.

“I’m going to leave but I’m sure I’ll see you two around,” he says.

“Bye,” Amory tells him.

“Have a safe drive back,” Blake says.

“Oh, I live super close,” Rajan says, “I’ll be safe. You two settle in well.”

“We will,” Blake says, and Amory can’t help the glare that she gives her.

Rajan drives away, unaware of the situation the women are in.

Blake holds the keys to the cabin in her hand and looks at Amory.

She is infuriatingly attractive.

“Shall we go in?” she asks.

“Okay,” Amory says with a sigh, “let’s go.”



Blake looks behind her at Dr. Amory Paver as she unlocks the door to the cabin. Amory has looked angry throughout the flight and her lovely face looks upset now and Blake can’t blame her. Blake knows she messed up all those years ago, but she doesn’t know what to do about it.

Amory’s long hair is escaping the elastic and soft honeyed tendrils are falling over her face. It has never escaped Blake’s notice that Amory is beautiful; with a lovely feminine face and delicate features and big aqua blue eyes. Although the problem with Amory is that she has always been way too uptight.

Her and Amory were never very close, but what do you say to the girl whose girlfriend you fucked years ago? And now they’re sharing a cabin together and are expected to work together for the first time in years.

Blake doesn’t understand why, but she hopes that maybe this is a second chance. That maybe she can make amends, even if she doesn’t know how.

She opens the door and holds it open for Amory, who walks through, dragging her suitcase behind her, and Blake can’t help but look at the swing of her hips below her backpack. She looks away. She shouldn’t have looked in the first place.

Once Amory is inside, Blake rolls her suitcase through the door and shuts the door behind her before she looks around. There’s a little kitchen area, a room that leads to a small bathroom, and a problem.

“What the fuck,” Amory says, looking in the center of the room, where Blake is also looking. “There’s only one bed?”

It’s not a big bed either. It’s one of those long twins, like the kind you see on college campuses.

“Well,” Blake says, not really sure what to say, “yeah there is.”

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