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Mom: I know. I really wish it wasn’t, but I know

Mom: You inherited my stubbornness, that’s for sure

Mom: You know, that’s part of why your father and I broke up

Mom: I was too stubborn to forgive him for even the slightest mistakes. And it all became too much and it’s been one of my biggest regrets. I had so much anger for him, and I hate to see that anger in you

Mom: If you love her, you should let it go. It’s not worth it

Amory: I know, I’m just scared

Mom: It’s okay to be scared, but it’s not okay to lose on happiness because of it

Amory frowns to herself. She knows that her mom doesn’t like to talk about her father, doesn’t like to talk about their messy breakup. Amory’s mom must think that this is serious in order for her to bring up Amory’s father, for her to bring up her own mistakes in the relationship.

It is serious, Amory supposes, she’s letting herself lose out on happiness over a years-old grudge. Something that didn’t even turn out to be the way she thought it to be. She realizes she has a habit of assuming bad things about Blake.

She assumed that Blake slept with Natalie on purpose to get at her, but Blake didn’t even learn that Amory was dating Natalie until they got caught. And she was in love with her, doing stupid things out of love. Amory supposes that she’s also doing stupid things out of love. Hating Blake because she was scared was definitely a stupid thing.

And Amory assumed that Blake and Jenna were dating and that Blake was cheating on Jenna with Amory. But now she knows that isn’t the case. She knows that Jenna and Blake were never dating.

Amory feels like a huge idiot. She feels like a complete ass. She should know to never assume, but that didn’t stop her, and now she’s living in the aftermath of assumptions made from a broken heart, a heart too scared to admit that she cares for Blake.

When Blake is finished getting dressed, Amory leads her to the clinic, keeping a hand on her arm while she coughs almost the entire way.

“Yeah,” Blake says, when they’re close to the clinic, coughing again, “maybe I am sick.”

Amory gives her a look. “No kidding.”

They get to the clinic and Amory helps Blake check in and then the two of them wait in the waiting area. Amory notices that a couple of the nurses are looking at them in concern, but she ignores them.

One walks over and Amory gives her a smile while Blake coughs hard next to her.

“Hi,” she says, and Amory doesn’t remember her name, but her name tag reads Jamie.

“Hi,” Amory says.

“Is she sick?” Jamie asks, pointing to Blake.

“Yeah,” Amory says, “I mean, she keeps saying it’s allergies, but I highly doubt it.”

Jamie nods. “It definitely is better to get checked out,” she says. “Since you’re both doctors, I’ll talk to the nurses and see if we can get you seen sooner.”

“Thank you,” Amory says.

“You don’t need to,” Blake says, “I’m fine to wait.”

“Well, the sooner you get taken care of, the sooner you can get back to work,” Jamie reasons. “And we need as many hands as possible right now.”

“Okay,” Blake says, “that makes sense.”

Jamie leaves and she’s true to her word. Blake is seen within ten minutes. The other doctor draws some blood and does a ton of tests to see what Blake has. After a while, a doctor comes in the room with the test results. Blake has the flu and a chest infection.

Amory is a little surprised since she hasn’t gotten any patients with the flu that she knows of, but she’s also grateful that it’s not something more serious.

The doctors prescribe Blake some medicine to help with the symptoms and the chest infection, but since the flu is a virus, there’s not much else they can prescribe besides bed rest and lots of fluids.

Amory helps Blake back to the cabin and lays her on the bed.

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