Page 41 of Lip Service

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Chapter Sixteen


My shirt is on the floor as soon as we burst into my penthouse suite, undressing each other without even caring that the front door is still open. She makes quick work of her jeans, pushing them to the floor in a rushed hurry and immediately rips her shirt over her head before reaching behind her back and disposing of a pink bra that matches her panties.

I’m left standing in nothing but tight boxer briefs.

She races toward me.

I race toward her.

Our bodies meet somewhere between the door and the marble pillar that separates the living area from the kitchen. My momentum is too great, my lust for her out of this world. When our bodies hit, I continue pushing her backward until her body lands against the cool marble pillar.

My lips fall to her collarbone where I kiss a path up to her neck before nibbling on her ear. I leave a trail of hot wetness on her flesh until finally cradling her face on either side with my hands while I stare into the deep abyss of her eyes.

And I kiss her.

Really fucking kiss her.

Devour her lips first, and then her tongue. My cock pushes hard against the thin fabric of my underwear, threatening to tear a hole in them. I drop a hand low to her pussy and palm her through her pink panties.

She moans, groans, so I press my lips against hers to steal her breath as I continue to taunt her. She’s wet now, warm juices leaking through the thin fabric and I want nothing more than to fuck her brains out against this pillar, against the floor-to-ceiling windows, in my bedroom, in the shower. At this very moment, I think I could spend the rest of my life buried deep inside her hot, tight pussy.

I kiss her once more, nibble against her neck.

When I take a step back, I just about lose my shit. This is an image I want to remember. This is an image I can’t forget. It’s like an old school Playboy photo opportunity. Her body, so fucking curvy and beautiful standing in nothing but bright pink panties complementing the pink locks of hair that fall over her shoulder and against the top of her taut breasts.

She spins in a half-circle, pulls her hair above her head in a pony tail and cranes her head over her shoulder with the sexiest fucking smirk I’ve ever seen. My eyes shift to the tattoo sleeve on her right arm first, and then the inked, watercolor sun permanently etched into her back.

This girl really has no idea what she’s capable of doing to me, but she’s much more confident than ever before, and that just about makes me lose my nut right about now.

She drops her hands to her panties, her dark hair with pink highlights falling against her back and dipping over the watercolor ink. She forces me to watch her as she drops her panties down her curves, down her legs until they pool on the floor. She steps out of them and before I know it, I’m back at her, dropping to my knees and forcing her to turn to me.

She combs her fingers through my hair as I flick my tongue against her wet opening. Her knees threaten to buckle. It’s as if she’s holding onto me for dear life, and I’m not about to complain.

“Ah, fuck,” she moans, her fingers tracing impossible paths in my tousled hair. “Shit.”

My fingers dig into her hips as I try to pull her against my mouth, so that I can taste her harder and deeper, but I’m at my limit. She tastes of heaven and perfection, her pussy the best I’ve ever had.

“I’m going to fuck you now, if that’s all right with you.” I rise to my feet, push my underwear to the floor, and throw a hand against the pillar on either side of her head. She pants, breasts heaving. She nods. I reach down and stroke my cock, then slap it against her pussy. “Go to my room, now.”

She moans and bites her lip, and I almost spill my seed against her bare inner thigh, where my cock caresses her silky smooth flesh.

She breaks away from me, rushes into the bedroom. Just as I’m about to give chase, I remember the front door is still open. I rush to the front door, trudging through two piles of clothes, and slam the door shut with one swing of my hand against the door, and immediately rush into the bedroom. She’s sprawled out on the bed with her legs spread, pressing her fingers against her wet pussy.

I step to the edge of the bed, grab her by her hips and pull her to me. She situates herself on her elbows, watching me as I line my aching cock up against her cunt.

I’m breathy, impatient, and all I want is to release my seed into the deepest parts of her. She wants the same, and I’m Hunter fucking Kiss so I give her what we both want.

I thrust into her in one sharp motion, all the way to the hilt.

She screams in pleasure. I falter and almost collapse onto her. The heat, the tightness, the pulsing, the aching.

“Fuck,” I moan as I adjust my grip on her hips and begin to slam into her recklessly, without patience and without care. My cock thrusts in and out of her, and there’s no rhythm. I can’t bring myself to care. I’m a man on a mission and how I get there isn’t important.

Her head is thrown back against the bed, her legs high in the air. Her fingers tangle into the silk sheets atop my bed, her toes curl in the air. Her breasts bounce with every thrust of my cock deep inside her.

She gets into, I mean really fucking gets into it. She begins to circle her hips, stirring her pussy around.
