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A few days after vising Milly, Lucy was watching a movie in her apartment when someone knocked on the door. When she went to answer, she saw Jamie through the peephole. He’d called her last night, telling her he missed her already and was going to fly in the next day. His flight wasn’t supposed to come in until later that night, but his early arrival was a wonderfully pleasant surprise. With a delighted laugh, she threw open the door. He was carrying a big, heavy-looking basket and a white blanket was draped over one of his arms.

“Hi. Why are you here so early, and what’s all of this?”

“I got done with business earlier than I expected and I couldn’t wait to see you. Since it’s not quite five, I thought you might be hungry so I brought you some dinner.”

“I am hungry,” she said. “Is there really food in there?” she asked, her eyes on the basket.

“In here?” he asked, holding up the basket. “No, this is my new purse. I just brought it in to see if you thought it went with my shoes.”

She laughed and said, “Well, if you have any food in that purse you better feed me. I’m about to chew off my own arm.”

As he spread the blanket out on the floor of her living room and sat the basket down, he said, “Why didn’t you think there’d be food in here?”

“I don’t know. I though maybe it was just utensils. Plates. That kind of thing. And that you’d want to order delivery.”

“Don’t think I can put together a picnic?”

She shrugged. “No. I just didn’t think you’d…”

“Go to the trouble to put a picnic together?” he asked.

She frowned and shook her head. “Never mind. I don’t know why I asked. Now what do you have there?”

Lucy sat down on the blanket and watched as he unpacked the picnic basket. He took out a white candle and set it in the middle of their blanket and lit it.

“Hmm. You seem to be setting the mood. What else do you have in there? And if it’s anything like I’m thinking—what would the folks at your country club think?”

“Why, are you going to snitch me out?”

“Depends. I’ve been thinking of your visit all day. I’m hungry for food and sex,” she said. “Both of those appetites have to be satisfied or I might just sing like a canary.”

“Good to know,” he said.

He finished setting the food out. He had green olives, ham, salami, bruschetta, a fresh loaf of French bread, assorted cheeses, condiments, and chocolate mousse pie. He’d also brought sparkling cider and two plastic champagne flutes.

“Wow, this is an incredible spread,” she said, already fixing her sandwich.

“Will this buy me silence for the candle and whatever else I might have in this basket?” he asked.

“Between this and what I got from you the last time we were together, I think you’ve bought my silence for at least a year.”

They ate and chatted and then Jamie said, “How do you feel about baseball?”

“I don’t have any strong feelings about it either way. Why?”

“You’re not a Giants or Angels fan?”

“Wouldn’t know a Giant or an Angel if they hit me in the face,” she said.

“We don’t need to go if you’ll be bored, but I have a couple of baseball tickets for tomorrow night. I was wondering if you’d like to go.”

“Sure,” she said. “Who are we going to see?”

“The Yankees,” he said.

“Who’s the home team?”

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