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On the drive back to the airport, Lucy was so quiet that Jamie became worried. “Everything go okay when you were upstairs?”

She smiled and nodded. “She was just hungry. As soon as I started feeding her, she calmed down. I held her while she slept. Oh Jamie, she’s so beautiful. Even when she’s crying. But when she’s not crying, she’s breathtaking. She reminds me of Gail so much and when I think of all the time that passed between us…”

She sobbed, and covered her mouth with her hand to try and stifle the sounds. Jamie enfolded her in his arms and held her. After several minutes, she pulled away and swiped at her tears then smiled brightly, obviously embarrassed by her show of emotion. “So, how did lunch go?”

“It wasn’t bad,” he said, “Mason’s father and I actually talked business for the most part.”

Lucy stiffened. “He wants you to do business with him?”

“He’s looking for a place to invest some money and I was telling him about the project we have going on in Summitville—”

“Excuse me? You suggested he invest in your family’s business?”

“He was going to invest somewhere,” he said. “So I just thought—”

“You just thought that your business and his money were more important than my feelings? Great, you’ve all found kindred spirits in each other. Before I know it, you’ll be treating me like crap, too.”

Jamie had to work hard to keep a lid on his temper. “What the hell? Lucy, that’s ridiculous. It upsets me that you would even imply such a thing, let alone come straight out and say it.”

“Then forget I said anything at all,” she said. “What the hell is taking us so long to get to the airport? Can’t this bolt bucket go any faster?”

“Tell me why you’re so upset.”

“Why? It doesn’t matter how I feel—”

“Of course it does!”

“No, it doesn’t. If Mason’s father wants to invest in your business, then he’ll invest. It won’t matter that I don’t like him. That he’s a pompous ass. That he told his son…” She looked away.

“Told his son what?”

“Never mind.”

“Damn it, Lucy. Not only can I not fix something if you won’t talk about it, but neither can you.”

“Jeez, Jamie,” she sneered. “You really missed your calling. I’m convinced now that psychology is your thing,” she said.

“And sarcasm is yours,” he said. “Instead of dealing with your feelings about Mason’s father, you’re spewing sarcasm and try to hurt me instead.”

“I’m not trying to hurt you. This isn’t about you—”

“Oh really?” he said. “Because it seems to me this is just one more excuse for you to push me away again. What’s wrong? Have I been getting too close again? Did Milly get too close? What’s next? You going to run away from her, too, just like you do me?”

“That’s a horrible thing to say. To think I used to think you were nice.”

“I am nice, Lucy. What I’m not is a pushover. I see what you’re doing.”

“I’m not doing anything.”

“You’re shutting down. You’re refusing to share yourself with me…again. God, you continue to do this, and it’s not going to matter if we pretend to be engaged or not. You will never be able to win Mason’s family over.”

“Is that just dawning on you? Well, sorry this whole thing has been a waste of time.”


“Can we just not to talk for the rest of the drive? I—I’m tired and I have a headache.” With that, she stared out the window. Eventually, the driver pulled up in front of the airport.

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