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“Wait a minute,” Jamie said. “I definitely want to dance with my sister, but that doesn’t mean I want my girl slow dancing with Casanova here.”

Gabe rolled his eyes and held out his arms. Lucy stepped in and wiggled her fingers at Jamie.

Gabe took one of Lucy’s hands in his, and she draped her other arm around his broad shoulders. They swayed together for several seconds and Lucy noted that Gabe’s eyes never once left Brianne. “So…Brianne’s taking Eric’s absence pretty well, huh?”

Gabe glanced down at her and frowned. “Too well,” he practically grunted.

“I admire her. She’s a pretty amazing girl.”

“She is,” Gabe said. He tipped his head to consider her. “I heard about your sister, Lucy. I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you,” she said quietly.

“Even though I know what’s going on, I also want to say, if you let Jamie walk away at the end of all this, you’re a fool.” He smiled then, his face going soft. “A cute fool, though. Jamie always had excellent taste.”

Lucy was staring at him open-mouthed when the music stopped. Gently guiding her by the arm, Gabe dropped her off at the head table. A minute later, Jamie joined them.

“Thanks for the dance, Lucy,” Gabe said. He turned to Jamie. “You’re a lucky man, Jamie.” And with that, he was gone.

“He’s right. I am a lucky man to be here with you.” He leaned in and whispered in her ear. “You know, our room is just two floors up. We could take a little time for ourselves, re-group, and make it back for more reception fun before the bar closes.”

“And what would this time for ourselves entail?”

“You know how Gabe said I was a lucky man? Let’s just say you’re about to get lucky, too.” Jamie grinned. “But only if you admit there was a boa constrictor in my pants earlier.”

Surprised, she laughed and said, “I thought you said it was a python.”

“I changed my mind. Boas are longer. And thicker.”

“Hmm,” she murmured. “You’ll have to let me take a look. So I can tell you whether it’s a boa or a python. But either way, it’s all mine for the night…and I don’t want to tame it. I want it to be as wild as it possibly can be.”

She heard his breath quicken. He searched the room until his gaze landed on his sister, who was talking to Ryan and Annie. Apparently satisfied that his sister was in good hands, Jamie turned to her, his expression one of utter carnality, and said, “Let’s go.”

* * *

Jamie waited until they’d entered the old-fashioned cage elevator before finally kissing her. God, Lucy tasted good. So good. He held her pressed up against the wall so she could hardly breathe or move.

When he came up for air, Lucy said, “Wow…just wow! You might have to carry me to the room now. My legs feel like spaghetti.”

“Have I ever told you what a pasta lover I am?”

Just as the elevator doors slid open, he swung her into arms and kissed her again. Then he carried her to their room, putting her down only long enough to unlock the hotel room door before picking her back up again.

He headed straight to the bedroom, where he placed her in the middle of the huge bed.

As he pulled off his jacket and tie, he didn’t take his eyes off her. Then he leaned down and caught the bottom of her dress in his hands. Sitting up, she let him pull it over her head. He nudged her until she was once again lying back, then he pulled her panties off. A shiver ran through him when he felt how wet they were. He tossed them to the floor and then pulled off his shirt. Bare-chested but with his pants still on, he put one knee on the bed and pulled her higher so he had more room to maneuver. After climbing on top of her, he took both of her wrists in one hand and pushed them up over her head. He kissed her hard, using his free hand to trace his fingers down her cheek, along her neck, and then around her hard nipples.

Lucy let out a delighted sigh and squirmed underneath his weight. He took one of her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and gave it a gentle tug. When she moaned, he reached over and gave her other nipple the same attention until she moaned even louder.

"You like that, baby?”

“You know I do, but I’d like it even more if you were inside me."

“Not yet,” he said. “I want to play first. Are you going to be a good girl and go along with it?”

In a breathless voice she said, “Depending on what’s at stake, I can be very good… Or very bad….”

"Hmm, that’s what I wanted to hear,” he said. “I hope you’re ready, because I’m going to make you writhe and moan and scream. No holding anything back…”

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