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As best man, Gabe insisted he be the one to notify the guests that Eric had been “delayed.” That there would be no wedding that day. He then continued, “The family and the rest of the bridal party ask, however, that you all join us for dinner, dancing, and a whole lot of fun in the ballroom as planned.” His words were gracious, but the expression he pinned on the crowd communicated loud and clear that he wasn’t asking, he was telling, so they damn well better do as he said or face his imminent wrath. Mutters from the crowd began immediately, but Jamie and his friends, along with his parents, went into damage control and directed everyone to the ballroom.

Lucy followed the rest of the guests as they filtered into the ballroom where the reception was being held. As she stepped through the ballroom doors, she couldn’t help gasping at the elegantly decorated room. She wasn’t easily impressed, but with this place, and this party, she was. She doubted that she’d ever get married, but if she did, this might be how she imagined it. The tables were draped with floor-length tablecloths, some in burgundy and some in black. Linen napkins were folded on top of china plates and set in front of stylishly draped chairs. The centerpieces were crystal and all contained fresh orchids and burgundy lilies that you could actually smell in the air. The lighting was bright over the dining area but more subdued near the stage where the band was setting up in front of the maple wood dance floor.

What Lucy loved the most was the dazzling chandeliers, shaped like crowns, that hung from the ceiling.

“Hey, there you are,” Jamie said from behind her. When she turned to face him, he immediately took her hand. “I’m sorry for abandoning you.”

“Don’t be silly. How’s your sister?”

With his free hand, he rubbed the back of his neck, then looked at his sister, who was standing by the ballroom doors, greeting guests with a strained smile. “I’ll explain later, but she insists this is a good thing. I’m just worried she’s in shock and the fallout isn’t going to be pretty.”

“Then go be with her. I’ll be okay on my own.”

He shook his head. “I have orders to show you a good time. And right now, whatever Bri wants, I’m going to give her, even if that means leaving her alone. Here, why don’t you sit and I’ll grab you a drink.”

She was about to take the seat Jamie pulled out for her at the head table when she sensed someone standing to her right. She turned and saw Diana, Mason’s sister.

“Hi, Lucy.”

She nodded warily. “Hello.”

“I just wanted to congratulate you both,” Diana said. She looked at Jamie. “I’m not sure what’s going to happen legally, but if you’d like…I can try to make time for you both to visit with Milly.”

Lily didn’t miss the implication that Diana didn’t want Lucy to visit the baby on her own. For a minute, the words threatened to fall from her tongue: So now that I’m engaged to a billionaire, I’m suddenly good enough to visit my own niece? Why don’t you go—

She suddenly felt Jamie’s arm around her shoulders. He gave her an encouraging squeeze. “We’d love that, wouldn’t we, Lucy?”

She looked up into Jamie’s brown eyes and took a calming breath. “Yes. That would be wonderful, Diana. Thank you.”

“Good,” Diana said with a wide smile that Lucy suspected she’d practiced all day; she should know, considering she’d been practicing the same smile. Then Diana looked at Jamie and said, “I also wanted to let your family know how thrilled we were to be included on the guest list today and what wonderful accommodations we’ve been given here on the Island.”

“I’m glad you could make it. I’ll pass that on to my sister and parents. Thank you.”

“It’s a shame about the groom. Frightfully embarrassing. But your sister is a trooper.”

Jamie’s smile stiffened at the mention of the missing groom, but he simply nodded and said, “Thank you.”

As Lucy watched Diana walk away, she growled low in her throat. “Frightfully embarrassing, my ass. I’ll show her something frightening—”

“Hang on there, spunky pants,” Jamie said, laying his hand on her shoulder. “Diana only spoke the truth. Despite the act she’s putting on, Brianne is embarrassed. Who wouldn’t be?”

“Still, Diana didn’t have to bring it up. She only did it to…to make herself feel superior.”

“Or maybe she’s just feeling awkward and uncomfortable and isn’t as good in social situations as you’d like to think,” he said.

She narrowed her eyes. “You’re giving her too much credit.”

“Yet how well do you know her, Lucy, that you don’t think she deserves some credit?”

“I know her well enough that she’s trying to stop me from getting custody of my niece. Or are you saying that’s some kind of misunderstanding, too? Have you changed your mind about helping me?”

He gripped her arms and shook her slightly, looking as close to pissed as she’d ever seen him. “Stop it! Of course I haven’t changed my mind about helping you. I was simply suggesting you not be so quick to assume the worst of people. Yes, some people, like my cousin Gretchen’s dickhead of a husband, deserve your censure. But even now, even when I’ve done nothing to make you doubt me—”

“I’m sorry,” she said, placing a hand on his chest and standing on tiptoe to kiss him. “You’re right. She just…threw me. Made me feel out of place. And I hate feeling that way.”

“I know. But you’re not out of place, Lucy. You’re fitting in beautifully. And she’s already agreed to let you see Milly. Don’t you think that’s a good enough sign that you can just relax and enjoy the rest of the evening with me?”

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