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She might not be the best when it came to feelings and intimacy, but she was an expert when it came to giving Jamie the same type of pleasure he’d given her. “Guess whose turn it is now?” she asked.

“That was my turn,” he said with a contented sigh. He kissed her nose and said, “I’m hungry. How about you?”

She frowned. He didn’t want her? Didn’t want—

He took her hand and pressed it against his cock, which was straining against the zipper of his jeans.

“You can’t doubt I want you, Luce. But we’ve got all night. I was just thinking we could get fueled up. Shower. Get some sustenance in our bodies before we go another round. Sound good?”

She squeezed his erection lightly, making him groan. “So long as the round involves me making you beg for a change, then I’m all for fueling up.”

He took a deep shaky breath. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world, sweet thing.”

She practically glowed when he called her sweet thing. He didn’t do it often, but when he did it never failed to please her. Sweet wasn’t a term normally used to describe her. Bold. Sexy. Strong. Not sweet.

She liked that he thought that of her.

“Where shall we go?” she asked.

“How about we make dinner here tonight?”

It was a simple question, but a significant one. They’d fooled around in her apartment but they’d never cooked there. The idea of cooking a meal with him gave her more pleasure than it probably should have, but again, she decided not to make a big deal about it and to just go with what her heart was telling her she wanted. More time with him. Alone.

“That sounds great.”

“I was going take a cold shower so I can at least try to focus on something other than touching you again, but if you’d like to join me…”

“You said you were hungry.”

“I’ll always be hungry for you, Lucy.”

Oh wow, she thought, feeling herself melting. Going with the flow was one thing, but she couldn’t get careless or sappy. Feeling overwhelmed with the need to keep some part of herself on guard, she said, “You go ahead. I’ll check out what I have in the kitchen.”

“Sounds good,” he said. He gave her a light kiss, first on her nose stud, then on the lips before heading to the bathroom.

While he took a shower, she slipped on a robe and began to rifle through the refrigerator and cabinets. As she did so, she couldn’t seem to stop smiling.

When they’d first met, Jamie had rubbed her the wrong way. When he’d first asked her out, she’d said no. She’d pointed out that they were too different. That he was too different from the bad boys she dated.

“I’m not a ‘bad boy,’” he’d agreed. “I’m a real man who knows how to treat a woman right. So right that the last thing she’ll want to do is run away when feelings start to get involved.”

Lucy had snorted, “I don’t ‘run away.’ I just know what I want and what I don’t, and I steer clear of what I don’t.”

“And what’s that? Commitment?”

“You’re talking commitment when we haven’t gone out yet? You’re definitely not the right kind of guy for me.”

“What I am is willing to explore possibilities. I don’t always want commitment; I’ve had my share of casual sex. But with you…” He frowned, as if he couldn’t quite verbalize how his feelings for Lucy were different from how he felt about other women. Then his expression cleared. “What’s wrong with commitment, anyway? Long term relationships can be damn sexy.”

She obviously hadn’t looked convinced because he’d smiled. “Think about how sexy it would be to be in a relationship with someone you know every intimate detail about. You’re familiar with every square inch of their body. You know what every sigh means, good or bad, and you know exactly how to cause the good ones. You know that a certain moan means faster, another moan means slower, and that a long, slow exhale means you’re giving them exactly what they need.”

Lucy’s breath had caught in her throat. Her pulse had quickened and she’d grown wet between her thighs. She’d shuddered, hard enough that it was readily visible to him and he’d smiled even wider.

Damn him for getting her all hot and bothered, she’d thought.

“You’re talking about sex, and I don’t need commitment to have sex.”

“No, but committed sex is the best there is. You should give it a try. Go out on a date with me and who knows…”

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