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“The fireman is Ryan,” Melina said. “Very handsome. Looks a bit like the boy next door until you see his devilish smile.”

“Definitely the tom-cat’s kitten. There was also this mysterious guy with sunglasses,” Grace said. “Luke, I think. He looked like he could be carved out of granite. He had this quiet intensity about him. Like a cop. Or a drug lord. Knowing Jamie, I’m betting cop.”

“I’d take that bet,” Lucy said. “What about the friend who’s marrying his sister?”

“That’s Eric,” Melina said. “Super model gorgeous in a buttoned-up kind of way.”

“So who’s left?”

“Cole, who looks like a cross between a Mack truck and a clean Hell’s Angel. And Gabe. So exotic and elegant, but so obviously a bad ass. I can just imagine the sound of women sighing and panties dropping when that crew walks by.”

“Well, I’m sure it’ll be a fun time,” Lucy said even as she wondered if Jamie would avail himself of any of those pantie-less women. How would he let loose with his friends? Strip clubs? Lap dances? More? She felt something perilously close to jealousy but quickly shut the emotion down. “I still don’t know what I would have done if he hadn’t been there when I found out about Gail. He’s called several times since, checking up on me. He offered to attend the funeral with me, too, did I tell you that?” Just as it had with her friends, his offer of continuing support had thoroughly touched her.

“Maybe you should have him around more often,” Grace said with a slow smile.

“He has his own life in Los Angeles, and it’s an extremely busy one now that’s he’s working with his father again. Besides, he’s not what I need.”

“What’s that?” Melina asked. “A good friend, a shoulder to cry on, a handsome face, a hot body, and an intelligent mind?”

“You know exactly what I’m talking about. He’s a nice guy who comes from an upper class background. I’d never be accepted in his world and I’d get tired of trying to be what people expect me to be.”

“You’re being ridiculous about all of that,” Melina told her, far more bluntly than Lucy would have ever expected. Obviously seeing she’d taken Lucy aback, she quickly said, ‘I’m sorry, Lucy, but as much as you tout living only for yourself, you let the opinions of others matter too much. You’re fun and refreshing to be around. All you have to do is be yourself and acceptance will come. There are always going to be people who don’t accept you for whatever reason. That’s just life. You deal with it and move on.”

“She’s right,” Grace said. “Besides, Jamie cares an awful lot about you. Even if there are those who don’t understand you at first, he’d do everything he could to make sure you’re accepted and treated well.”

“Besides myself,” she said, trying to explain, “the only people I need acceptance from is the two of you. I’m not going to grovel for it from anyone else. Even if Jamie championed me, that kind of thing gets old fast. Imagine having to defend your significant other against things that people say, which in my case would probably all be true. I don’t conform and therefore I make people uncomfortable. In high society, I’m like a red rubber duckie in a bathtub full of yellow ones.” Of course, Mason had used much more hurtful words when he’d broken up with her. And so had Lucy’s father, when he’d been encouraging Mason to break up with her. Words like “vulgar,” “shameless,” and “embarrassing.”

“Your dad just knows we’re not suited. Sometimes I love being with you, Lucy,” Mason had said when he’d told her things were over. “But sometimes you embarrass me. Like when you went skinny dipping after the homecoming picnic. And showed up in that skimpy dress for my cousin’s wedding. And when you cuss too much…”

Squeals came from the baby monitor on the table, jarring Lucy from her thoughts.

“Oh, there are my twin terrors,” Melina said with a smile.

Lucy blinked, shaking off the painful memories, and clapped her hands. “Yay! I was afraid they’d sleep all day. I can’t wait to see them.”

“Let me get them changed and I’ll bring them out,” Melina said.

When she was gone, Lucy asked, “So where’s the bachelor party?”

Grace laughed.

“What?” Lucy asked. “I’m just curious what kind of boys’ night out a billionaire plans.”

“It’s at Divine.”

“Rick Tyler’s club? Isn’t that where they have Open Strip Night? It’s going to be pretty wild.”

Melina walked back in with a baby in each arm just as Grace said, “It sure is. Max and Rhys were like two peas in a pod—they didn’t even want to go. We had to convince them to go for Jamie and have some fun. Max swears he’ll be home in an hour.”

“Rhys, too,” Melina said. “He says he’d rather be here playing with his babies.”

Lucy held out her arms and said, “I can see why.” Melina put both Charlie and Tabitha in her arms and Lucy said, “Look at you two, you’ve gotten so big!”

She received a gurgle and a coo in response. “They’re so smart. I think they’re trying to talk already. Oh Mama, you are going to be in so much trouble when these two are teenagers. Imagine not only having the prettiest girl in the school, but the best looking boy, too.”

“Rhys already says he has a baseball bat to leave at the front door and beat away all the prospects,” Melina said.

Lucy cooed and gooed and baby-talked with the twins for half an hour before they began to fuss and Melina said they were ready for a bottle. Lucy insisted on carrying Tabby in while Grace carried Charlie. They watched Melina heat the pumped breast milk for the bottles and Lucy asked if she could feed her.

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