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Both Xander and Maisy startled and quickly pulled apart when Niko cleared his throat. Maisy was blushing fiercely. She’d been so caught up in her feelings for Xander that she’d forgotten they were standing in a room filled with their families and other witnesses.

“To be continued,” Xander whispered softly into Maisy’s ear. Shivers rippled down her spine at the nearness of his lips and at his words. Perhaps they’d have a repeat of the night they’d spent together. A memory of Xander kissing her beneath the starlight flashed through Maisy’s mind. She certainly wouldn’t mind an encore.

Across the room, Lily gave Maisy a big thumbs-up. Niko was standing with his arms around Agnes. Maisy’s parents were hand in hand, and even the king and queen were smiling. Maisy’s heart warmed. She wanted to be with Xander, no matter what, but knowing that her family approved and supported her still meant a lot.

“Well,” Queen Karina said, her voice a little softer than normal, “I think we can change this meeting from an annulment and a marriage to a strategy session. I understand that you boys are in love, and I won’t stand in the way of that. We just need to decide how we’re going to present this to the public. I know that?—”

Xander held up a hand. “Mom. I know we have a lot to talk about, but it can wait. Can’t it? It’ll take a while to come up with a strategy anyway.”

“I suppose…”

“In the meantime, Maisy and I didn’t get to finish our time on Kanalea.”

“And Agnes and I have never been on vacation together at all,” Niko said.

“Maybe,” Xander suggested, “we could all spend a week or two someplace private and out of the way while our talented publicists plan how to announce our new relationships.”

“That does make sense.” Queen Karina smiled. “I do remember what it was like to be young and in love. All right, all right. We’ll find somewhere for the four of you to go that’s out of the way — and when you get back, we’ll jump right into the publicity campaign. We need to take control of this story…” She was still talking when the king put a gentle hand on her shoulder and escorted her out of the room. Xander and Niko exchanged a familiar glance, and Maisy suspected that this wasn’t the first time Queen Karina had tried to control a situation that was far out of her control.

Maisy’s mother and father crossed the room to her. They pulled her into a hug, together.

“Sweetheart, we’re so sorry if you felt like you didn’t have any options,” Maisy’s mother said, her voice a little shaky. “I hope you and Xander will be very happy together.”

“Oh, they will be.” Maisy’s father gave Xander a knowing smile. “Because Xander here knows that if he hurts Maisy, he has my wrath to face.”

“And I wouldn’t want that, sir.” Xander smiled back at Maisy’s father, who extended a hand for a firm shake. Then, Maisy’s parents left. Lily hurried over to give Maisy a big hug, then turned to Xander.

“I second what my dad said. Maisy, we have lots to talk about.”

“We sure do. Thanks, Lily.”

Then Lily left, too, and it was just Xander and Maisy — and Niko and Agnes. The four of them looked at each other for a long moment, then Maisy started to laugh. Agnes joined in a moment later, then they were all in stitches.

“Was it really that easy all along?” Xander asked through his laughter.

“Maybe so.” Niko shook his head. “I’m just happy that we can finally be with the women we love.”

“Congratulations to the two of you.” Maisy smiled at the happy couple. “You’re a much better match than Niko and I ever were.”

“You just had the wrong brother.” Xander put his arm around Maisy again. “It was the ultimate twin swap.”

“Speaking of twin swaps — let’s consign those to the history books.” Maisy looked from Niko to Xander. “I’m better at telling you apart now, but it’s still very unsettling.”

“Tell me about it.” Agnes rolled her eyes, and the two women shared a knowing look.

“Anyway,” Niko said, “Agnes, let me show you around the palace — no sneaking this time. Maisy, Xander, we’ll meet you shortly for our getaway.”

Then, finally, Xander and Maisy were alone together. Slowly, Xander turned Maisy towards him. She looked up at those deep brown eyes that had become so familiar and so dear to her and felt her heart flutter with anticipation.

“Alone at last,” Xander said. He smoothed a strand of Maisy’s hair behind her ear, and she felt her skin tingle at his touch. “Oh, Maisy. Are you really okay with all this? I know we only had a moment to talk, and then everyone was here… Do you really want to stay married?”

“I don’t know…” Maisy pretended to think. “I don’t think that’s how you’re supposed to ask…”

Xander promptly dropped to one knee, one of Maisy’s hands clasped in his.

“My dearest Maisy. Will you make me the happiest man in the world and stay married to me?”

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