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The question took Maisy slightly by surprise. “Not really, I guess. I never thought about it much.”

“I did. Sometimes I still do. I wish my parents had more children, because it would take some of the pressure off me and Niko.”

“That’s what it always comes back to, isn’t it?” Maisy swirled her finger through the air. “The pressure. Our families. Our duty.”

“Sorry.” Xander made a face. “This is supposed to be a vacation from all that. Come on! Let’s see if we can spot more turtles. Or maybe a real flamingo this time. I promise, no talk about duty or the future.” He pushed himself to his feet, then held out a hand for Maisy. She let him pull her up and twirl her around.

“Very elegant,” he said as she came to a stop.

“I did have many years of dance classes.”

“As did I.” Xander held his hand out. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”

Maisy held up both hands. “No way. I’m going to trip over a root or a turtle or something and fall in the mud. And then Safa is going to be annoyed because I’ll look weird in the pictures.”

“You won’t fall. I’ve got you.” Xander gave a winning smile, and Maisy felt her heart turn to mush. It was just a simple comment, meant to encourage her to seize the moment, but Maisy felt warmth spread through her limbs. Xander had her. She believed that. As long as he was there, he would never let her fall. Not if he could do anything about it.

“Okay. Fine.” Maisy took Xander’s hand and placed her other hand on his shoulder. He reached for her waist and began to lead them in a simple box step. “This is easy.”

“Let’s step it up.” Xander twirled her into a spin and caught her in a tango position. Maisy’s heart skipped a beat. He was so close to her. His dark brown eyes were glowing with intensity, and he was close enough that she could make out the five o’clock shadow on his cheeks. His hands were warm and firm on her hand and waist. His lips were full and so very close to hers. Their dancing slowed, then stopped. For a long moment, they just looked at each other. Maisy felt a rush of something, warmth and attraction, that she hadn’t felt this strongly before. But with it came fear. Xander was handsome, intelligent, kind, unbelievably sexy. When Maisy saw him, her heart beat faster. She cared about him — and not just as a brother-in-law.

But there was no way she could act on her feelings. Never. She was supposed to be married to Xander’s twin. Despite the attraction building between them, despite the lure of Xander’s lips so close to hers, Maisy couldn’t do this.

She quickly stepped back and smoothed her shorts. Her hands felt shaky.

“We should get back on the water.”

“Definitely.” Xander looked a little flustered, too. He quickly led the way to the kayak and held it steady while Maisy climbed in. She was thankful to be facing away from him as they paddled back towards Safa and familiarity, but Maisy could still feel Xander’s eyes on her. She might have been imagining things, but Maisy felt that her attraction to Xander was mutual.

That only made things more dangerous. A little crush was one thing. But feelings that Xander might have, too… well, that could only lead to disaster.



Xander had been an idiot, asking Maisy to dance. An incredible idiot. Worst of all, it had felt amazing holding Maisy in his arms and looking down at those big green eyes. She’d felt so soft and warm. Her eyes had been so bright. And it had taken all his willpower not to lean closer and capture those pink lips.

But then she’d come to her senses and hurried away. It was good she had, because another few seconds and Xander might have lost the battle and leaned down to kiss her. He never would have forgiven himself if that had happened. Maisy didn’t share his feelings — and even if she did, being with her would mean betraying his family and his brother.

As much as Xander cared about Maisy, he couldn’t do that. And he was sure that she would never betray her family either.

The rest of the kayaking session had gone relatively smoothly. They’d both been polite, if a little distant. Now, they were back at the villa. Maisy had retreated into her room as soon as they’d arrived, citing a headache, and Xander had sat on the balcony and tried not to think about what had almost happened that afternoon.

It had been at least an hour, though, and he still hadn’t been able to stop thinking about kissing Maisy. On top of that, they were having a romantic dinner tonight as part of the honeymoon agenda and Xander would have to see Maisy in a beautiful summer dress once again.


Xander whirled and caught sight of Maisy. Sure enough, she was already wearing a white sundress that stopped just above her knees. Her hair was in loose waves around her shoulders, and she smelled like the coconut shampoo from the villa’s shower.

“Hi.” Xander nudged the chair beside him out with his foot. Maisy sat. She bit her lip. Then she turned to him.

“Things got a little… weird… on the island today.”

“Yes.” Xander’s heart began to race again. Where was Maisy going with this?

“I just wanted to apologize. It’s a very romantic atmosphere, and since we have to pretend to be a couple anyway, it would be all too easy to let the boundaries between us slip. But we have to remember that this whole thing is a professional arrangement — nothing else.”

“Agreed.” Even as he said the words, Xander’s heart sank. “I’m glad we’re on the same page. And I’m sorry if we’ve had any misunderstandings.”

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