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“People make mistakes. I was just sure that when the wedding day was over, I’d be free to live my own life. And now, I’m stuck here in purgatory while my parents and yours decide my future. A future that will almost definitely entail me being married to Niko.” Maisy lowered her voice. “I know he’s your brother, and he’s a good guy, but he’s so boring.”

This surprised Xander into a short laugh, which he quickly stifled. Maisy was upset, and laughing at her wouldn’t help.

“He is a little boring, isn’t he?”

Maisy nodded vigorously. “Even when he’s trying not to be.” She sank her face into her hands.

“What did you want to do?” Xander asked.

Maisy lifted her head and gave him a confused look. “What do you mean?”

“You said you wanted to be free to live your own life. What did you want to do?”

“I don’t know,” she admitted. “I’ve never had time to think about it. When I was young, I was in school, then college, then immediately in an entry-level position at Mangovy. I’ve never had time to make my own decisions.”

Mangovy was the name of the Carpenter family’s corporation. As far as Xander knew, they made everything from packaged snacks to household items to baby clothes.

“That sounds like a lot.”

“That’s not the half of it. When my parents decided I should marry Niko, my duties doubled. Suddenly I had dancing lessons and courses on Aenicean history and politics to fill up every free moment. That’s not to mention my work at Mangovy or all the public appearances. I feel like my life hasn’t been my own since I was a child.”

Xander’s heart felt heavy. “I used to feel the same way. But I was lucky. As I’ve gotten older, Niko has taken a more and more central role, while I’ve stepped into the shadows. I was clear with my parents from when I was young that I didn’t want a place in politics.”

“I wish I were that brave.”

“I don’t feel brave. My parents still want me to take an official position in my brother’s cabinet, or at least a government role. And I might just give in one of these days.”

“You seem to do mostly what you want, though. I’ve seen pictures of the trips you’ve taken and the fun you’ve had. When you went paragliding in Ecuador, I was so jealous. Maybe that’s what I would do, if I could — travel. See the world.”

“I’ve seen pictures of you traveling.”

“Sure, on business trips or to visit Aenicea. But I’ve never traveled just for fun or picked a place that I want to visit.”

“Did you pick Kanalea for the honeymoon?”

Maisy glanced over the water, then shook her head. “No. The royal publicity team thought it would be a good spot.”

“Well, I can’t do anything to change what’s already happened, and I doubt I can influence our parents’ choices. But how about I do everything I can to make this trip the kind you’ve always dreamed of?”

Maisy scoffed. “I don’t think that’s possible. We have a whole roster of tame, photographable activities. And I have to do them all with you.”

The return to snide remarks was almost welcome after the relative vulnerability of a few minutes ago.

“I can be quite charming, you know. I bet I could make those tame activities fun. Maybe you should give me a shot.”

Maisy mimed making a finger gun and shooting Xander. “Pew, pew. There’s your shot.”

It was so silly and so out of character that they both started laughing. Maisy fired off a few more imaginary bullets, then blew on the tip of her finger gun and pretended to holster it. They smiled at each other. Then, just as suddenly, Maisy stood.

“Are you going somewhere?”

“I need to sleep. As fun as this has been, I’m exhausted and I have a lot to think about.”

“I understand — but so soon?” They had just been starting to talk like friends instead of rivals. Xander had enjoyed seeing this other side of Maisy and didn’t want it to end just yet. He felt like they’d finally been connecting.

“Yes. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that, Maisy hurried off the terrace. A moment later, she reappeared, grabbed her empty plate and glass, and carried them into the kitchen. Xander heard a clink of dishes, then the sound of the bedroom door closing.

Xander sat back in his seat. He wasn’t sure why Maisy had left so abruptly, but he’d enjoyed the evening with her anyway. It had been… eye-opening, in more ways than one. Xander felt even guiltier than before at the knowledge that he’d ruined Maisy’s plans and smashed her dreams of having a life of her own. He knew he’d need to step up his apology strategy if he wanted to make things right.

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