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Animals lazily grazed in the distance, their sounds a melody of life and nature.

Children — our children — ran through the fields, their laughter light and pure.

They looked like us, a blend of our features, our smiles.

The thought was staggering.

Here, in this envisioned world, the pain and challenges of the present faded away, replaced by the promise of love and life.

At the heart of this vision was Violet, always Violet.

She stood by a porch, wearing a simple dress that danced with the wind.

Her eyes, deep and full of love, met mine as I approached her.

Her smile was radiant, a beacon in the vast expanse of this dreamscape.

The intimacy of our connection was tangible.

Making love to her in this envisioned future felt as real as the pain that racked my body in the present.

It was a love that transcended the confines of our current reality, one that promised endless days of passion and connection.

This vision, this projection of our shared future, filled me with a profound sense of peace.

I had meditated countless times in my life, seeking solace and clarity amidst the chaos of existence.

I had even taught meditation, guiding others towards inner peace.

But never had I experienced a serenity as profound as this.

It was as though the universe itself was offering me a glimpse of what could be, of what awaited us beyond the challenges of the present.

And in that peace, in that vision of love and life, a spark ignited within me.

The plasma, that very essence of power that was being drained from me, responded.

It was as though the core of my being, the very heart that held the last vestiges of this power, recognized the importance of this vision.

The trickle of plasma energy swelled, feeding off the peace and hope I felt.

Time seemed to stretch and bend.

Every heartbeat, every breath felt amplified.

The world outside of this vision grew distant, muffled.

All that mattered was the love I felt for Violet, the promise of our shared future.

The power in my heart surged.

Not a violent, overwhelming burst, but a controlled, focused stream.

It flowed upwards, coursing through my veins, filling me with newfound strength.

My eyelids, heavy and burdened by weariness, slowly lifted.

My vision, once blurred by pain, sharpened.

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