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She wasn’t physically connected to this machine, but she felt every ounce of my agony.

The empathy in her gaze was overwhelming, her own pain mirrored in the glistening tears that traced lines down her cheeks.

Violet shook her head slowly, her fingers trying to reach out to mine, but the distance was too great.

Her voice, though shaky, was filled with a fierce determination. “You can do this, Kuana. We can do this.”

The weight of her words, the depth of her commitment, stirred something deep within me.

Even in my weakened state, even with every iota of strength being siphoned from me, a spark of hope ignited.

If Violet believed we could endure this, then I had to believe it too.

I clung to her words, her faith in us, as the pain intensified.

I tried to draw strength from her presence, focusing on her face, on the memories we shared, the love we felt.

Each recollection, every stolen moment, every whispered promise became a shield against the onslaught.

I forced my breathing to steady, to sync with Violet’s, as though trying to draw life from her very breath.

But as the minutes dragged on, my strength continued to wane, the pull of the machine relentless.

Every heartbeat felt weaker, every breath shallower.

My vision blurred, the world around me distorting, fading into a wash of colors and sounds.

The machine’s hum became louder, drowning out everything else, the light of the receptacle brighter, casting eerie shadows that danced in my peripheral vision.

I could feel myself slipping, the edge of consciousness beckoning.

“Kuana… Kuana, stay with me!” Violet’s voice pierced the fog, her eyes wide, imploring.

I wanted to respond, to reassure her, but words failed me.

All I could do was look at her, our gazes locked in a silent exchange of love, pain, and determination.

In those moments, as my world shrank to the space between us, I felt an overwhelming urge to protect her, to shield her from the pain.

I might be on the brink, teetering between life and oblivion, but I would fight, for her, for us.

The pain surged again, a tidal wave threatening to pull me under, but I held on, clinging to the tether of Violet’s unwavering gaze.

She might be feeling my pain vicariously, but in that moment, she was my anchor, the only thing keeping me from being lost forever.

* * *

Every molecule in my body felt as though it was being pulled apart, atom by atom.

The pain, relentless and never-ending, was a constant buzz in my ears, a pressure behind my eyes, and a fire in my veins.

But through it all, I still held onto the small moments of clarity.

I clung to the sound of Violet’s voice, her soothing touch, and the memory of our shared laughter.

But despite all my determination and willpower, my body was starting to give in.

The continuous force, the drain on my very essence, was becoming too much to bear.

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