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Marlen cleared his throat. “The asking price is reasonable, considering the state of the farm and the fact that it’s move-in ready.”

I hesitated only for a moment. “How much are they asking for?”

He named a sum, and my heart sank.

It was beyond our reach.

We had funds we’d saved before our incarceration, the credits we’d begun saving since we arrived, and even with what Selix had given us, we were short.

Seeing our dismay, Marlen quickly added:

“Now, don’t fret. The price might seem steep, but given your circumstances and my vouching for you both, I believe we can work out a more flexible arrangement.”

I looked at him, hope rekindling. “What do you mean?”

He scratched his chin, pondering for a moment. “What if you made a smaller upfront payment and then paid off the rest in monthly installments? It would be like a lease-to-own arrangement. I’m sure the owners would be open to it.”

Violet’s face lit up. “Do you really think they’d agree?”

Marlen nodded. “I’ve known the owners for many years. With me putting in a good word, and seeing as they’ve already moved on, I’m confident they’d be amenable to such an arrangement.”

I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

This was it.

The chance for a new beginning, for stability, for a life that Violet and I had only dreamed of.

“I… we can’t thank you enough,” I said, voice choked with emotion.

Marlen waved away our gratitude. “It’s just neighbors helping neighbors. That’s how we do things here.”

We shared another look, Violet and I.

A look that spoke of dreams, hopes, and a shared future.

As the sun began to set, bathing the farm in a golden hue, we hugged each other tightly.

The very air seemed to buzz with possibility.

Here, on this dusty planet, we had found not only refuge but the promise of a life we could call our own.

I realized our dreams were no longer just dreams.

They were coming true, brick by brick, step by step.

We were home.

* * *

The creaking of wooden floorboards beneath our feet gave the house a lived-in charm that I wasn’t expecting.

We had left the cozy kitchen behind, with its wooden countertops and ancient-looking stove.

Now, we were ascending the winding staircase to the upper level.

Violet gripped the wooden banister, her fingers tracing the grainy patterns, as her eyes sparkled with curiosity.

The first room we entered was spacious, with a wide window overlooking the fields.

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