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My reactions were a fraction of a second slower, my movements not as sharp.

Drakon capitalized on this, landing a series of blows that sent me staggering back.

Each hit was a jarring reminder of the power disparity.

However, every time he advanced, every time he seemed to gain the upper hand, a surge of emotion welled up inside me.

It wasn’t just anger.

It was fear, desperation, love.

Everything that Violet and I had shared, every moment, every touch, every whispered promise — it all rushed to the forefront of my mind.

My eyes began to burn, a telltale sign of the power I had hidden for so long, a power I swore never to use.

The audience, sensing something extraordinary, fell silent, their gazes fixed on the unfolding drama.

But I couldn’t.

I wouldn’t.

Not here, not now.

For Violet, for us, I had to win this without resorting to that darkness.

I closed my eyes for a moment, centering myself, channeling the lessons of my meditation, calling upon every ounce of discipline I had.

When I opened them again, the world seemed clearer, more in focus.

I could see Drakon’s minute twitches, the slight shift in his weight, the subtle tells that betrayed his next move.

And then, with a speed that surprised even me, I dodged his next attack, sliding under his outstretched arm and landing a solid blow to his midsection.

Drakon grunted in surprise, his balance off-kilter.

Seizing the opportunity, I unleashed a flurry of strikes, each precisely aimed, each finding its mark.

Drakon, for all his might, was unprepared for this sudden shift in momentum.

He retaliated, but his moves were now more desperate, less calculated.

We were a whirlwind of motion, a dance of power and precision.

And then, with one final, resounding blow, I managed to knock the giant to his knees.

The crowd erupted, the roar deafening.

I stood there, panting, sweat and blood mingling, staring down at my fallen opponent.

Necks arched up at the leader board once more and, a fraction of a second later, my name glowed while Drakon’s turned ash grey.

As the crowd continued to cheer, my thoughts were elsewhere.

Winning the match meant more than just personal triumph.

It was a step closer to securing a future with Violet.

And even more importantly, it was a victory over my own inner demons.

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