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The weight of his past was evident in the weariness of his voice.

“We could find a place,” I proposed, “somewhere quiet, off the grid. With the knowledge and skills I have, and your strengths, we could live comfortably, safely. No one would need to know anything.”

He turned to face me, his deep blue eyes reflecting a mix of hope and trepidation. “It’s not that simple, Violet. If someone tracks me down — and trust me, if we managed to escape Ikmal, bounty hunters would be dispatched to find me — then it would put you in danger too. I can’t take that risk.”

I bit my lip, feeling a surge of frustration. “But isn’t it worth a try? For a chance at freedom? At happiness?”

His fingers brushed my cheek, wiping away an errant tear. “Believe me, there’s nothing I want more than to be free with you. But the risks…”

If only you knew the risks I’m already taking just being here with you.

Three days.

An idea, audacious and perilous, began to form in my mind.

Maybe Kuana wouldn’t willingly leave, but what if circumstances forced him out?

He wouldn’t have to bear the burden of the decision.

I could work out the details later, but having him removed against his will might be the only way to ensure his safety.

Treading carefully, I tested the waters. “What if there was another way? A way out that didn’t involve making a deal with Ikhax or any other unsavory characters?”

Kuana raised an eyebrow, intrigued. “Do you have something in mind?”

Gathering my thoughts, I responded cautiously. “I may know people. People with resources, connections. They could engineer a breakout without anyone realizing who was behind it.”

He looked deep into my eyes, searching for any hint of deceit. “That sounds very risky. And what about you? Would you also be part of this escape?”

The desperation in my voice was palpable. “I’d do anything to get you out of here, Kuana. Even if it means putting myself at risk.”

He pulled me close, his embrace firm. “I can’t let you do that. You have no idea what forces are at play outside these walls.”

The determination in his voice made me realize that convincing him was going to be more challenging than I thought.

But I wasn’t ready to give up.

The stakes were too high.

The gravity of our conversation hung between us, thick and undeniable.

He pulled me close, holding me as if I were his lifeline. “Whatever path we choose,” he murmured, “we’ll face it together.”

The depth of our bond was undeniable.

We were two souls, adrift in a sea of uncertainty, but anchored to each other.

And come what may, that bond was unbreakable.

As the night deepened, the prison around us faded into insignificance.

All that mattered was the shared heartbeat between us, and the silent promise of a future worth fighting for.



The Prize Pool was a place of mixed emotions, a microcosm of prison society.

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