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The clamor of the prison, the distant shouts, and murmurs faded as I was led deeper into the maze of corridors by two hulking alien inmates.

The pale lighting from above bathed everything in an eerie glow, casting long, monstrous shadows on the walls.

My heart raced, each beat echoing the steps of my massive escorts.

Every ounce of me screamed to run, but the two guards flanking me were twice my size, their presence domineering, the air around them dense with intimidation.

I felt trapped, a small fish in an ocean of predators.

The thought of confronting Ikhax sent shivers down my spine.

He had a reputation, one built on cruelty, power, and manipulation.

As I continued walking, my mind raced, rehearsing what I could say.

Should I plead?

Reason with him?

Offer a bargain?

Whatever it was, I had to ensure it did not jeopardize Kuana.

My love for him was a strength, but in this situation, it felt like my greatest vulnerability.

Ikhax could use my feelings for Kuana against me.

The silvery gleam of Kuana’s scales flashed before my eyes, a fleeting memory.

His warmth, the safety of his embrace, the promise of a love rekindled — they all felt a universe away.

If only Kuana had agreed to leave.

But now, I was caught in a web, my fate uncertain, my lover’s safety hanging in the balance.

But if there was one thing I’d learned from my time in the Space Force, it was resilience.

Every encounter, every setback had molded me into the woman I was today: determined, resourceful, and never willing to back down.

Ikhax might be fearsome, but he wouldn’t find a timid, frightened creature in me.

“Speak with confidence,” I silently coached myself. “Make him believe you’re in control, even if you don’t feel it.”

The two behemoth escorts slowed their pace.

We were nearing our destination.

I mentally cataloged potential escape routes, tucked away any signs of visible anxiety, and fortified my resolve.

It was showtime.

The door before us looked nondescript, blending seamlessly with the myriad other identical doors lining the corridor.

But I felt a strange energy emanating from it, an aura of importance, danger, and power.

This wasn’t just any cell.

This was Ikhax’s domain.

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